Step 13.

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#13- support coll's friends.

As coll trash, you must support her friends as well, some of her friends are Maddy Radtke, Nikki e.t.c (when I find more info on her friends, I'll edit this to add them and if u know their names, comment them, that'd be great help, thnx) Coll would be proud of u for supporting her friends as well.
Tweet this to coll pls?

How to: coll is cool trash - You should read "How to: coll is cool trash" on Wattpad.

Day 4 of wattmas☻

So guys, I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't good enough, a really closs relative of mine had an accident and is really injured and we're (my family) are really dejected rn so I couldn't put much effort on this chapter, once again I'm really sorry:( I lost my sister a couple months ago and I'm still really distant and sorrowful, I can't deal with things rn so sorry ik this is the hundredth time I'm saying this, I'll try my best to put more effort on the next chapter.

Today's dedication goes to: @spookyhorton for commenting and supporting my idea for sweet little gifts for coll, thank you and I hope you have a fab day and you're amazing, don't let others bring you down.

You all are amazing and deserve the best of things, don't let others bring you down because they aren't worth your time.

QOTP: what do you do to take your mind off things?

AOTP: I don't do much as I can't control myself bc I get too worried and just like turn off the world and read a little.

Hope you all have a fab af day unlike me!

ily all

-antisocixlqueen x

How to: colliscool trashWhere stories live. Discover now