Step 4.

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#4- give coll some promo.

So u just have to go to any place, a shop, a restaurant, anywhere.
Give coll some promo by writing down "check out coll is cool on yt" or something.
U r now a great fan and u r so trash that u want other people to be trash and suffer like u too:) *yay*
Tweet this to coll pls?

How to: coll is cool trash - You should read "How to: coll is cool trash" on Wattpad.

today wasn't a good day, im really mad and feel betrayed:( i hope u all had a good day, i love u x and omg look at that artwork♡_♡ I've actually done this at my school library and a shop lmao

How to: colliscool trashWhere stories live. Discover now