26 || Jason

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Maddies POV

I walked into chemistry and sat down in my chair and looked to my left and saw James sat there and smiled

"Okay this is weird James McVey is early to a lesson" I paused "I don't think I've ever seen that in my life let it sync in a minute"

"Shut up" he laughed "I'm only early because I need to talk to you"

"Oh right okay" I paused "and what do you need to talk to me about"

"Well actually it's about Brad"

"So it's not just me who thinks he is acting weird?"

"No he definitely is"

"Yeah this morning he told his mum he was worried over an English test which there wasn't even an English test and I would know because I'm in his English!"

"Wow he truly is an idiot"

"He said he was revising for it and everything" I laughed a little and so did James

"The one time Brad revises and the test isn't even on that day" we both start laughing again


"Anyway" he paused "yeah basically Brad wanted me to tell you that he-"

"Maddie! Maddie! Maddie!" A voice shouted which Interrupted James

I turned my head to the voice and saw Lola leaning on the edge of my desk

"Yes Lola?"

"I got some very exciting news" I smiled and then turned to James and whispered 'sorry' and turned back around

"What's the very exciting news?" I asked

"Well you know Jason Wells?"

"Yeah the very good looking boy in our English who sits on your table?"

"That's the one" she smiled "well he's friends with Tom and he said he was totally down for going on a double date!"

"Oh that's nice well have fun"

"The double date as in me and Tom and Jason and you!" She practically screamed and I don't know how the teacher hasn't said anything yet but then again she is about 60

"Wait what!"

"Tonight you can come round mine and get ready and this is going to be so fun" she screamed again

"Lola sit down in your seat please and get on with the starter on the board" The teacher shouted

Lola sighed and walked to the other side of the room

I couldn't get the smile off my face. My first date is with a very good looking sweet guy!

"Anyway what were you saying James" I said turning to him

"Maddie please may you do your work instead of chatting" the teacher shouted

I sighed and started doing my work

"It doesn't matter" James whispered under his breath

"No come on James tell me I'm worried about Brad" I whispered back

"I can't remember anyway so don't worry"

Brad's POV

I waited for Connor outside of his class room after double chemistry. As soon as he came out we walked down to the Canteen and sat on the table James and Tris were on.

"How did it go with Maddie" I whispered to James as I sat in the seat next to him

"Um not so well mate" he sighed

"What do you mean?" I asked getting worried

"Well I was talking to her and then just as I was about to say something about your crush her friend came running over and told her she got her a date with Jason Wells" he sighed

"Jason Wells!" I paused "how can I too that"

"At least you tried mate" James said patting me on the back

"What's next?" Tristan asked all of us

"English I think" Connor said

"English!" I paused "are you being serious Maddie and Jason are in my English"

"I would hate to be you right now" James shook his head

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