13 || You Cant Tell Them I Told You

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Brads POV

I couldn't help my self I had to kiss her, I had to

But once I did I knew it was a bad idea because she wouldn't kiss me back. I was about to take my lips away but then she kissed me back

How could something so wrong feel so right?

I heard the door open

I pulled my lips away and turned around so quickly to see Tris standing there

"Tristan!" Is the only thing that could escape my mouth

"What are you doing?" He said raising his voice

"Maybe I should leave" Maddie said

"Yeah I think that's a good idea" Tristan said as she walked out

I just sat there quietly I couldn't say anything

When Tristan had heard the front door shut he shut my bedroom door behind him and stood in front of me. I thought he was going to slap me

"I'm not going to slap you" he said basically reading my mind "your just lucky that wasn't any of the other boys who found you"

"They are here too" I sighed

"Yeah your mum let us in, they are in the garden because we need to film a cover"

"Let me guess your going to tell the others so they kick me out"

"I won't tell them" he paused "but between you and me they won't kick you out and they can't! I over heard them talking to Joe and he said that he wouldn't let them kick you out even if they wanted to because it was too late to find another lead singer as good as you"

"So they are lying to me just so it will keep me away from Maddie?" I asked

"Basically yeah"

"What the hell is wrong with them they can't do that!" I shouted

"You can't tell them I told you though"


"Now come one lets film this cover"

Maddies POV

I ran back to my house and walked in on my sitting on the sofa by her self

"Where have you been?" She asked

"Brads house"


"Because dad was here"

"When are you going to forgive him?"

"Not now I can tell you that" I said sitting on the sofa next to her

"Well he said he was going to make it up to you"

"How is he going to do that mum?"

"I don't know darling but just don't get your hopes up" she sighed

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