19|| Please Dont

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Maddies POV

"Come on Mads we need to find Tom" Lola begged as I shoved my stuff into my locker

As soon as I closed my locker Lola grabbed my hand and started running to the field. She stopped at the door and fixed her hair and turned to me and flicked her long blonde hair

"Do I look okay?" She asked me

"Of course you do" I answered

"Lets go find Tom" she said trying to act cool

we soon found Tom and we told him the story and he took us to the girls

Lola had already given me a make over this morning before school in the toilets

"Hey" Kelly shouted running over to us and hugged Lola before stopping at me

"Good job Lola" she smirked as she hugged me tight

A few days later

"Right see you tomorrow class" my form tutor said as we all ran out of the classroom

I walked over to my locker and grabbed my bag and said my goodbyes and walked out of the school. I plugged my headphones into my phone and started playing my playlist. I got to the traffic lights and I felt a pair of hands on my back as I screamed they covered my mouth and held me so I couldn't see who is was

"Please don't freak out its only me, Brad" He said in a soft voice and he let go of me

"leave me alone please" I said about to cross the green light road

he grabbed my hand before I could cross

"can we talk in the park" he asked pointing to the large field behind us

"what about the deal?" I asked

"forgot about that for a minute please"

I looked down at our touching hands and I took mine out of his release and started walking towards the park as Brad followed behind me. I sat down on the grass as Brad sat down in front of me

"so you wanted to talk to me because..."

"Your starting to hang out with Kelly Baker?" He asked

"yeah why are you asking?"

"well she a popular girl so your getting more popular by the day!" Brad stated

"Really?" I asked

"yeah. Well that means that we can hang out again!" He shouted

"Brad that's really sweet" I paused "But I cant"

"What! Why?"

"It doesn't seem right. You can now only hang out with me because I'm 'popular' now" I shrugged

"Maddie but you know that is not true"

"I have to go Brad"

"Please don't" He shouted as I walked off

I couldn't help but let a tear roll down my face as I walked off


Short chapter whoops

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