Chapter 30

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I bet youre all thinking the same thing!! WWWHHAATT  TTHHEEE  FFFUUCCCKKKKK?! Am I right? Lol Anyway, hopefully this chapter will explain it all. Dont hate me for making it so damn complicated. Back to Jessette :)


I woke up and it was still day time. It looked a little gloomy outside though. My guess, it was late afternoon. I sat up and rubbed my head. I started to get a headache from all the crying I had done in less than two days. Niall was quietly snorning next to me. I remembered falling asleep to him humming something. Cant really remember the exact song. Niall was such a sweet boy. He was so nice and so caring. He was such a good friend to me. I was lucky to have him in my life. I was lucky to have all the boys in my life. They were all amazing to me and treated me so well. It was like we were one big happy family unit. I loved it. Then there was Harry. Harry fucking Styles. He was beginning to change me. I was so much more angry now and so much more different. Even in a day he has caused me to think negative and think crappy thoughts. I guess I cant blame him completly but I still blamed him. I was still so angry with him and I was hurt and mislead and betrayed. The things I didnt expect Harry to do to me. I felt like I was in a rut and couldnt get out. 

I got up and slowly peeked my head through the door. I was hoping that I I didnt see Harry ut then again I was hoping I did see him. It was so strange. It hurt me so bad when I even looked at him and then again I still wanted him to be around me. In a way it made me feel better. Weird. I didnt see anyone but Zayn in the living room. He was sitting on the long sofa eating what looked like a pop tart. I walked over to him and laid down, resting my head on his lap. I looked up at him and he smiled at me, which caused me to smile back. "Whatcha doin?" I said trying to act cheerful.

"Eating a pop tart." He said stating the obvious. "I kind of feel like it tastes like grape even though its strawberry." He ripped off a piece of the tart and held it to my mouth. 

I opened my mouth and he popped it in. I started to chew slowly. I really didnt have the appetite to eat at the moment. "It does taste like strawberry." 

"See what I mean?! Its making me nervous." He said observing the piece of snack food. 

He made me giggle. It was a real giggle and I could tell he noticed because it made him smile. 

We just sat there and talked for a good 30 minutes. Zayn really had some intuitive things to say. I let him know how worried I was about this plan of Lou's. I didnt know if it was going to work or not. The idea is to make Harry really feel what he feels about me. To make him see that those feelings arent bad if he feels them. I didnt know if it was working or not yet. I saw his face when I asked Niall to come into the room with me. It was shocked. I couldnt see anything but shock and that didnt give me many answers. I felt so wrong doing this to him. Making him puposly jealous and angry so he could feel what he really feels for me. A huge wash of guilt fell over me. I didnt know what It was or why it was there. I just felt really guilty. 

A few momets later, Liam and Louis walked into the living room staring at their phones. They stopped when they saw me. They both looked at eachother and I saw the worry in their eyes. It terrified me. Legitamently terrified me to death. Was something wrong? Was Harry okay? I had this life of death feeling come into my stomach and I swore for atleast a second that I was gonna hurl. They still didnt move from their spots near the hall way. 

Zayn looked up at them and looked as confused as I was. "Whats up guys?" He asked twisting his body to face them. 

I sat up and I felt like punching them in the face for looking the way they did. What the hell was wrong with me?

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