Chapter 16

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Back to Jess' point of view :) do you guys like this story ?


We all piled into Harry's car after a fun night. It was around 10:30 and I was waiting to crash into bed. My shoes were killing my feet and my head was pounding. Every time we had a family get together I always felt fatigued right after. Niall and Liam were talking and making jokes. Zayn's eyes were closing the last time I checked on him. I looked over at Harry and his face was serious. Louis and Harry haven't said much for about an hour. I wondered what was up with that. I found it strange not only for Harry but especially for Louis. He was never this quiet. A yawn caught me off guard and I let my head lean on the window. I was in need of some well deserved sleep. The purring of the engine made me feel even more tired than usual. I just relaxed and closed my eyes.


"Jess." Someone poked my face which woke me up.

My eyes fluttered open to see Harry looking at me.

"Hi cutie." I cooed.

He smiled and looked down.

"Are we home?"

"Yeah come on." His eyes did this little fluttery thing which made my heart stop.

I looked around real quick to make sure the boys weren't in the car with us. When the coast was clear I motioned for him to get closer. He did as I motioned and I planted a small kiss on his lips which seemed to linger and sent angry months into my stomach.

He pulled away. "What was the for?"

"I don't know. You're just-I don't know I just wanted to kiss you." I blushed.

He brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. "Come on. I think we should talk about something."

"Okay." I slowly got out of the car with a sharp pain in my stomach. When someone says we need to talk, it never goes good.

Harry and I walked to the hotel slowly and he squeezed my hand real quick which made me feel better.


We walked into the suite which was empty. I looked around. "Where are the boys?" I asked taking off my jacket.

"They uh.. Went to bed." He walked over to the couch and sat down, patting the empty spot next to him.

I sat down next to him and crossed my legs. A silence was caught in the air. I cleared my throat and brushed the hair out of my face.

My mind contemplated a million ways this could go. He would look at me and give me that dimpled smile and say:

'You're a great girl Jess but there's someone better out there for me'

'You're just my maid Jess this could never work'

'What we had was great but I think we should get real'

My head pounded a bit. What ever this talk was about it was making me die inside.

"Jessy." He mumbled.

I looked over at him and he gave me a small smile which made me freak out even more.

"Yeah..Harry?" My voice wasn't at all confident.

"Jessy.. What has been happening between us the passed few weeks had been amazing."

Uh oh... Here it comes.

"Now before you say anything I don't want you to get mad."

Yep.. He's about to lay it on me. Brace yourself Jess.

"I told Louis about us.."

Okay confused a little bit.

"And what he told me was right." He took in a big breath. "I care about you more than I realized. And Louis made it easy for me to see."

Mega confused. Confused confused confused!!!!

"I don't want to keep us a secret anymore Jess." He brushed my hair with his fingers. "I want the boys to know about us. I want to be able to kiss you when I want and hug you with out checking if everyone is there. I want to call you my girlfriend and not just Jess."

"Harry." I mumbled.

"I just don't want to hide you anymore."

I rested my head on his. I was screaming on the inside. I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. He really wanted to do this. He wanted ME to be his girlfriend.


"Yeah?" I said as I was interrupted in thought.

"Please talk now."

"Um.. I um.."


"I think I need to think about it." I got up and went into my room leaving him there just sitting down on the sofa. I paced in my room. "What is wrong with you Jess. It's Harry. You know where you stand now." I whispered to myself. I quickly stepped out of my room to find Harry with his head in his hands in the same spot I left him. "Harry?"

He looked up at me and stood up. His eyes furrowed and were full of question.

I smiled at him.

He walked over to me and hugged me. I could feel his arms tighten around my waist as I hugged his.

"It's official!" He yelled.

All of a sudden a bunch of yells came bursting through the room and I looked around to see the boys standing around us.

"I thought you said they were asleep." I said hitting Harry.

"Yayyy!" Louis sang and ripped me from Harry. "Jess is dating Harry!" He yelled.

"Ahhh put me down!" I laughed.

He did as I said and put me down but with a very large smile on his face.

"Officially losers!" I threw my hands up and giggled. "Wait how long have you guys known about us?!"

"Just a few hours." Liam shrugged.

"Oh.. Well.. Okay.." I bit my nails.

"Awe look at her she's blushing." Louis cooed and pinched my cheek.

"Stop it. I'm tired and I need to get to bed and so do you guys." I pointed fiercely at the 5 boys standing in front of me with stupid grins on their faces. "Chop chop its time to go to bed." They all shuffled their feet and pouted towards their bedrooms. "Where is my goodnight?!" I sang with a finger in the air.

I became so close to all of the boys and I loved each and every one of them. They really made my stay here fun for me.

They all said their goodnight and I got a hug from Lou which made me smile.

Harry kissed me on my cheek and whispered in my ear. "Sweet dreams."

Finally I knew where Harry and I stood but I didn't know how long it would last. Or how short.


It will be a while until I update again !!!! Just an FYI :) stay with me please I will be so great full ! The next few chapters will be insane :)

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