Chapter 17

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I woke up with a sudden weight off my chest. I felt like my head was finally clear of everything. It seemed as if Harry was part of my worst thoughts. It felt good to be worry free. I sat up and stretched with the biggest smile on my face. I peered over at the time and it said 11:47am. Well that can't be right, I thought to myself. I picked up my phone and it said the same thing. 11:47am. 11:48am. "Shit!" I jumped out of bed and with speed burst through my door too see 2 boys staring at me.

"Good morning." Niall waved and returned to the t.v.

"Uhh... Why are you guys still here?"

"A huge brawl of some sort was at the studio so Paul said to not come in." Liam always sounded extra fancy when he talked.


"Harry snuck into your room and turned your alarm off so you could get some sleep. It was my idea." Niall said showing me his syrup greased smile.

"Awe. How sweet! Thanks guys." I ruffled Niall's mane of hair. "Where's Harry?"

"Cooking breakfast."

I laughed. "Oh you're serious?" I walked to the kitchen to see Harry with my blue and pink apron on cooking pancakes. I giggled.

He turned around and smiled at me.

This sudden feeling came over me and I couldn't contain the happiness inside. When Harry was around it was like every single horrible thing in my life just suddenly became amazing again. It was a strange feeling for me. I hadn't felt like this with any other guy before. Harry had an amazing power over my emotions and he had no idea of it. I smiled back and looked at the floor to keep him from seeing my incredible blush.

"Good morning." He lightly pecked my cheek and chuckled because of how childish I was acting.

"Yes I did. Thanks to you." I poked him.

"Hungry?" He held up a plate full of pancakes.

"I am. I had no idea you could cook." I said raising an eyebrow.

"I have many talents." He winked.

"I'm sure." I grabbed the plate and quickly caught a glimpse of the treacherous monster in the silver reflection of the fridge. My eyes widened as I stared at my own face.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked stepping in front of the fridge.

"I'm a mess. I'm gonna go hop in the shower real quick." I put the plate down as I was getting ready to leave but Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"You look fine. Just eat Jess." He whispered.

"But I look-"

"Beautiful, as always." My face was going to melt off. "Don't worry so much about what you look like. You will always look great. Doesn't matter if you have bed hair or a puffy face."

I grabbed my face. "I have a puffy face?"

He chuckled. "The cutest puffy face I've ever seen. Now eat." He shoved the plate in front of me and I took it with a smug smile.

"You make it hard for a girl to doubt herself ya know."


I giggled and lightly pecked him on the lips.

"Oh God. Please not in the morning." Zayn whined.

"Thank you Harold." I said professionally and went to go join the Niall and Liam in their breakfast television morning. With a huge stupid grin on my face of course.


It was about 7:00 pm. The boys had decided on a movie marathon which I had no say in, as always. We went through Freddy vs Jason, Easy A, Bruce Almighty, and strangely enough Titanic. We were just about to finish Titanic. It was at the really depressing part where Rose says, 'I'll never let go Jack' but then she lets go.

I had been sniffling the entire time like a baby. I'm a girl what can I say?

Suddenly Louis stands up and kneels in front of Harry. "Don't let go Harry. Never let go." He said oh so sappily.

"I'll never let go Louis." Harry tried to make it sound like he was crying. "I love you Louis."

Louis dropped to the floor and played dead while Harry fake sobbed.

The boys and I clapped in laughter. It was a very fine performance.

Louis stood up and bowed multiple times. "Thank you. Thank you. I'm here all week!"

"Wow. They should have done a new version and cast the both of you." I giggled.

"I do agree with you Jess." Louis poshly walked to his seat and planted his butt down but first wiggling it. "Harry! Jess was staring at me bum!"

Harry gasped. "She wouldn't dare!" He looked over at me and his mouth was open.

"Liar liar pants on fire!" I yelled.

"My pants aren't on fire." He crossed his arms and turned his wad quickly.

"Not yet! Zayn give me your lighter!"

"Aghhhhh Harry your girlfriends mental!" Louis cowered behind Liam and stuck his tongue out at me.

I was taken aback by the word girlfriend. It made me smile from ear to ear. Harry Styles' girlfriend. Hmm.. I love the sound of that.

"Leave her alone." Harry defended me which I thought was cute.

"Yeah! The only crazy one here is you Louis!" Zayn retorted.

"Everybodies mean to me! Waaaah!"

"Be a man!" I giggled.

"Paul just texted me." Liam spoke up. "He says there's a small red carpet showing which we need to attend on friday."

"Ugh!" Zayn groaned.

"That means shopping." Harry said.

"You have enough suits why do you need to go shopping?!" I asked.

"Not us." He said looking at me.

Oh no. "No! Nope! I am not going!"

"You have to." Liam said.


"Because. You and Harry need to be seen together. Paul said so."

"Wait Paul knows?!" I stood up.

"Yes he knows he sort of has to know." Niall quickly jumped into the conversation.

"You have to come with us to this red carpet event Jess. That way people can just get over you two quickly. That way it won't be a hassle in the future." Liam looked at me sternly. "If you and Harry were seen out in public together then people will start asking questions like, 'why was it kept a secret?'"

I slumped back onto the couch. "Fine. But I don't get paid till Friday."

"Who said you're paying?"

I looked over at Harry and he had his eye brow raised at me. "You're not paying for anything. I'm a working girl and I can buy my own things."

"Too bad. We need to have the dress by tomorrow."

I crossed my arms. "Fine but I will compensate you for the dress and that's final."

He rolled his eyes.

Damn pop stars and their endless money. "Damn pop stars and their endless money." I spoke my mind.

Harry kissed my temple and brought me into a hug. "This is why we like you so much."

"Group hug!" Louis exclaimed and plunged himself on me and Harry. Soon all the boys joined in on the hug face.

"Can't breath people."

Everyone backed off and I raised an eyebrow. "Who grabbed my ass!"


I'm sorry this was just a small filler. Longer chapter soon :D

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