Chapter 28

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All is well guys. It's been a while! Here's an update. 

A little mix up, now it's in Louis' point of view for a little :)  


I ran out the door as Harry slurred my name. I tried to be as quick as possible seeing as I missed her by a few minutes. She was probably gone already but I had to try. I ran down the stairs nearly winded when I reached the lobby. I looked around but there was no site of her. I sped walked outside so I didn't look like too much of a looney. "Jess!" I yelled. "Jess!"  

But she was no where in site.  

I started walking down the Main Street which was on the way to her house. I hoped I would find her walking or find her home in her pajamas. Harry, you twit, I thought. I was still walking when I heard my name. I looked around but it was dark in the streets. I heard my name again but it was closer.  

"Lou, what are you doing here?" Jess asked from behind me. She was posted on a rock in front of her house which I passed and didn't realize. 

I kneeled in front of her. "Jess." I said looking at her pain stricken face. Seeing her so sad made me want to cry.  

"I'm so stupid Lou. I'm so stupid." She sobbed.  

"No you're not babe."  

She shook her head disagreeing with me.  

I cupped her face in my hands. "You're not." I said sternly. "He's stupid. Harry is the most insecure person when it comes to serious relationships. He's the stupid one."  

"I hurt Lou. I just-" she started crying harder.  

"Come on love." I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up and we both walked into her house.  

"Why are you here Lou?" She asked as if she thought I would be the last person to come to her aid. 

"I've got 4 sisters Jess." I said smiling.  

"No you dont. You have 3." She sniffled.  

"No I have 4." I looked at her telling her that I thought of her as my sister as much as my real ones.  

She gave me a small scoff and I could finally see her smile again. "I just wanna lay down for a little bit."  


She gently rested her head onto the pillow on her sofa and closed her eyes carefully. 

I proper myself onto the love seat in the middle of the sitting room and leaned my head back as I thought of what to say to her when she woke up. Eventually I was falling asleep to her quiet snores.

****Jessette's POV**** 

A strong light hit my face and I had forgotten I was on the sofa. I rolled over and fell off the couch groggily. I giggled at myself. I looked over at little Louis soundly asleep on my pink love seat. His fave was stern and full of tension, almost like he was having a bad dream. He was such a good friend. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 9:37 in the morning. I groaned. I didn't know what to do. Should I go back there? I thought. I would look so stupid. What if I go there and he's awake? I didn't know what to do. I got up and went to the kitchen. Ill whip up my self and Lou an omelet and some coffee and we'll decide what to do. The second I peeked my head in the fridge I remembered that I barley lived here anymore. There wasn't any food in there that could be used. I sighed and decided a cup of coffee will have to do.  

Once the coffee was done I brought over the mugs and sat down on the sofa. I threw a pillow at Louis' face and he twitched making me giggle.

"What?" He yawned. 

"Morning shithead." I sipped my coffee in my grumpy attitude.

"Someones a little sassy this morning." He grabbed his mug and smelled the coffee before he drank it. "And they say I'm a sass master."

"They say a lot of things about you, Mr. Tomlinson." I tried to laugh but it turned into a painful sigh. 

"You alright love?" 

I looked over at my dear Lou who was all worried. His face looked so sweet and genuine. It really hurt me to see him so sad and so worried about me. It wasnt like I was trying to do it on purpose but I couldnt help those feeling creep up on me. I just wanted to crawl under a rock and cry my eyes out like a pathetic loser. Why did I have to open myself up and get hurt again. I felt so stupid at that minute. I felt like I needed to beat myself up for some reason. "No." I said in all honesty.

"Listen," He began as he put his mug on the table and waltzed over to me. "Turtlecakes, I only have one thing to say about harry right now. Little BITCH." He exclaimed, making me burst into laughter. "No Im serious!" He said. "Harry is so afraid of getting close to anyone. When he does he runs away. Dont let him get to you because of the things he said babe."

"But you have no idea what he said to me." I said trying not to cry at the moment.

"Let me guess.. Something along the lines of 'Hey I'm drunk and I cant be in a relationship because I'm Harry Styles from One Direction. Ive go a reputation because I'm such a flirty ladies man.'

I started to laugh real hard when I realized that Louis was right. That was what Harry had said to me. Basically the gist of it. "Youre right." I said sighing yet again. "He did say something along those lines. Same tone of voice too. You did a bang up job on that one babes."

"Jess.. Jessers.. Please try to be the bigger person here. I know you have a hole in your heart but just try to talk to him today. Not for him but for you. Get some answers while he's sober and maybe it'll make you feel better. If not now then it will in the long run." He plastered an intelligent look on his face with a warm smile and I could have just hugged him for hours after he said those words to me.

"Lou.. Youre a genius you know that?" I laid a large kiss on his cheek.

"I know. Im amazing." He shrugged.

I giggled and then smiled at him. I let out one final sigh and said, "I love you kiddo."

"Im the adult here thank you very much. Now get your perfectly plump arse upstairs and make yourself look extra cute to show him what he's missing out on!!!" He dragged me up and started slapping my bum untill I ran upstairs and away from him.

"Hey Lou?" I said from top of the stairs.

"What?!" He yelled in sarcasim. His smile was larger than life.

"Thank you."



Shit is about to get real!!!

I promise to update in a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pinky swear through the internet!!

Its gonna be some crazy hell fire for the next chapters I just know you will LOVE them!!!

Thank you for reading my fan fic :)

I already have a sequal planned :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


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