Chapter 29: Part 2

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Part 2 :DDD Back to Jess' Point of view!!


Louis and I were walking towards the hotel. I was feeling a bit nervous because of the devious plan he had cooked up. It was a good plan but it was also really wrong. But I honestly had this excitement bubble up inside of me when I heard it. I didnt really want to do it but then again I really really wanted to do it. It was genius and maybe it was the thing that Harry needed to open his eyes a bit. What Lou told me about Harry, asking him when he knew he was in love and how he knew and if it was the 'right time' made me see the side of Harry thats afraid of his own feelings. I never would have thought that Harry would be the type to run away from his feelings. He was so forward and blunt when he talked to me and flirted with me but when the complicated stuff came about, he would pull away. I found it strange for him to be that way. I dont know why. Maybe it was because I saw him as prince charming and perfect. Absolutley, flawlessly perfect in every way. But he did have one flaw. It didnt matter though, I still cared about him. Did I love him? I wasnt sure yet. Maybe I didnt or maybe I did. Guess I was going to find that out soon enough. "Wait." I said stopping Louis from walking any further inside the hotel. "Does he know?"

He gave me a sigh. "Yes he knows Jess. Dont worry. The plan is fool proof. I should know, I thought of it." He said with a proud grin.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down a bit. "Okay." I said with a smile.

"Okay good." Lou said dragging me inside the hotel.

We got up to their floor and Louis knocked on the door since we both forgot our key cards. Liam opened the door with a look of worry on his face. He slithered passed Louis and engulfed me in a huge bone crushing hug. "Are you alright love?" He asked still hugging me.

"Yes Im fine." I barley said. "But-"

"But what?" He asked.

"You're crushing my wind pipe." I chocked out.

"Oh!" He pulled away immedietly with a smile on his face. "Sorry love." 

I giggled. Liam always made me giggle. "Its okay." 

Liam leaned in and gave me a small peck on my cheek. "Dont worry. This is going to work." He whispered.

I smiled and entered the hotel with and closed the door behind me. I sat down on the sofa in front of the T.V. and next to Zayn. He flashed me a wink and gave me a quick little arm rub for reassurance. I was nervous. But not as nervous anymore. I probably shouldnt have worn makeup. What if I end up crying? 

Louis came up behind me wrapped me in a hug. "He's on his way out. Just look real sad and go with it." He whispered. 

I nodded my head and Louis released me. He sat on the counter with Liam and awaited the enterence I could hardly bare. 

Soon the door opened behind me and I heard footsteps. A body propped itself next to me and an arm was snaked around me. I nestled my head into his neck and smiled up at him as he smiled down at me. Suddenly Louis snapped his fingers and I tried to look real sad. But soon the emotions ran high and became real. The tears gently ran down my cheeks and I curled up closer to him. 

"Its okay." He said shushing me softly. His hand was brushing my back lightly which did help me feel better in a small way but not as much as I wanted it to. 

Another set of foot steps were in ear shot and I saw the legs of a boy step right in front of me. I looked up at his curly headed self and caught a glimpse of his green eyes. For a small second I felt like It would take a pair of huge pliers to make me turn my head away from him but I did. I just nestled into the blonde headed boy's neck and wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could. The tears were pushing through me so much more harder this time. I felt them drip on my legs. 

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