Chapter 29: Part 1

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Louis' poinnt of view here for a little bit :) A few more chapters and then comes the lovley sequal :DDDDD But I dont know how much more longer or shorter I have for this story. Im just wingin it :P


I was worried about Jess, I can admit that. But one thing I cant really admit is that I was also worried about Harry. I know he didnt deserve an excuse to what he did but he was still my Hazza Bear. He was me best mate and I was siding agaisnt him. In didnt know how that made me feel but he didnt deserve anyone at his side right now.  He made a promise to Jess that he would never hurt her and he did hurt her. That was wrong. If he was going to hurt her then he shoulld have done it in a nicer way and not get all smashed at a club and slurr drunk things at her. He was so childish sometimes. And they all called me a child? 

I was waiting for Jess to finish up getting ready. She was feeling self concious because her eyes were so puffy from crying. She wanted to take my advice and look HOT and show Harry what he missed. Damn idiot. I recieved a text from Liam asking where I was and if Jess was alright. I had gotten hundreds of texts from the boys asking about Jess but... None from Harry. 

From : Lucky Leperchaun<3

Is she alright?!!?!?! We're worried here Loooooouuuuu!!! Tell us what is going on?!

From : LiLi(:

Hey Lou is Jess okay? I know shes probably hurting but tell her to hang in there. Respond as soon as possible. Harry is still passed out and we dont know if we should wake him up or not. Is Jess coming back at all?

From : D.J. Malik

Aye is she alright? Harry is still boned at the moment. Is she gonna come back? Should we leave? Mate, did something bad happen to her?

They all sounded the same. They were all worried about her and wondering what to do with Harry and themselves. I sent a mass text to all of them that went like this..

Dont worry, she is fine I swear. Wake that arse up right now because Jess and me will be on our way soon. She wants to talk to Harry. Make sure he remembers the ass like things he said to her. She'll need us for support guys. Harry is our friend and a good bloak to all of us but he did something wrong last night and cruley hurt our dear Jess so we need to make sure that doesnt happen again. I dont know what shes gonna do but what she decides we need to give her back up on it, even if we arent happy about it. That is all... 

My fingers cramped up from sending that text. It was the right thing to tell them. They should know what Harry has done even though we love him a lot. We also love Jess though. And in this situation Jess is the one who was innnocent. 

It was already pushing 12 in the afternoon. We needed to get going. 

"Jessette!!! Are you finished yet?!?!?" I yelled from the bottom of the steps.

"Almost!!!!" She retorted.

I groaned. "Bloody hell." I heard footsteps near me and I quickly spun around thrilled that she was done. I looked at her and saw what she had put together. "Bloody hell." I said to myself. 

She slowly walked down the stairs in a peach colored, short dress, and thick healed shoes. She curled her hair and made it look extra bouncy as she walked down the steps. Almost as if it was from a movie of some sorts. She seemed to have been moving in slow motion. I looked at her unusally makeuped face and she really went all out on the look. I hadnt ever seen her wear actual eyeshadow or eye liner before. 

"How do I look Lou?" She asked.

"You stud muffin. If I was single and you werent my sister, hell I'd take you home with me." I smiled.

She giggled. "Thanks Lou." 

I then had an inckling.

"What is it?" She asked looking at my blank face as I let my brain scheme.

"Ive got an inckling..." I said and then gasped. "Now I have a thought... Now its a theory.." I gasped again. "Now its an evil massive plan that will insure to twist Harry's stomach left and right!!! Mwahahahahahaha!!!"

"Um Lou.. Can we come back to earth please?" She asked waving her hand in my face.

"Oh sorry love. Got carried away." I smiled oh so cheekily. "But ive got an idea."

"Im all ears babes." She said smiling.

"Okay.. What if we take you and......................." The next few things I was about to say were gonna cause their own cascade of dramatic events plunged down from the outer universe and insure some sort of archaic distruction. IT WAS BRILLIANT! 

TO BE CONTINUED..............



Sorry to leave you guys with a cliff hanger :D 

Dont hate me. Okay you can hate me but dont hate the story lol

I will update soon! I promise and it will be insane.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 

I tend to get stories done quicker when Im out of nicotine... Should do that more often. MAkes me all gittery. Okay guys stay tuned for PART 2!! Coming soon :P



I Work For One DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora