Chapter 21

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Harry's point of view !!!!! :) a little on the sketchy dramatic side lol


Louis and I finally laughed our way to the table. We had been dancing for the passed 10 minutes and dancing like dumb asses. I knew I would embarrass my self tonight. I looked around to see no sight of Jess anywhere.

"She went outside for some air. She wasn't feeling well." Liam said reading me mind.

I nodded and headed over to the exit door. I found myself stopping at the door when I saw Jessy and that Luke bloke talking to eachother through the window. She was smiling and laughing and it sent a sharp pain to my stomach. I opened the door slightly to hear what they were talking about.

"Apology accepted." She said. "Maybe you should go back inside you're sort of drunk."

I heard him mumble something but I couldn't make out what he said.


"Seeing you for the first time after all these years was crazy." He said.

I felt my teeth grind against eachother. What the fuck was going on and why was Jess even talking to him in the first place?

"Kind of like a rush of some sort." His words were sloppy.

"Luke listen-"

"Shut up and let me finish!" He snapped.

I almost went through the door but I wanted to hear the rest.

"I still care about you Jessett. A lot. Look at you. You're so damn sexy I can't get over it."

Fuck face.

"You're drunk and I'm taken." She said. I loved the seriousness in her voice. It made me smile a bit.

"So." He said.

"So back off Luke."

"Just shut your mouth Jess." He said.

Why would he even think he could talk to her like that?

"Stop!" She yelled. "Luke!..Get off! Stop!"

I bolted through the door and slammed him against the building. I didn't know where the anger came from but it was coming from somewhere. He dropped his bottle and it shattered onto the pavement. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" I yelled.

"Come on man. Chill out." He said laughing.

This idiot was shit faced.

"No need to get jealous. She's like the town bicycle. Everyone gets a ride." He laughed.

I slammed him again and he hit his head pretty hard.

"Harry stop!" Jess yelled as she tried to pry me off of him. "Harry he's drunk!"

"I don't care!" I said.

"Harry!" She yelled again.

She grabbed my arm and I shoved her off making her topple over and smack the ground. She let out a yelp which caught my attention.

I looked down at her and her scraped elbow which she was holding. The anger left my body and fear entered right after. "Jess." I said quickly kneeling down to her. I tried to grab her arm and help her up but she pulled away quickly. "Jess I'm-"

"Just get away from me." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Jessy please-"

"No!" She yelled. She wouldn't even look at me. "I need Liam. Bring me Liam!" Her tears poured over her makeup.

I didn't argue with her or try to convince her of anything. I quickly ran back into the building and told Paul to get the car ready and that we needed to leave right away. I tapped Liam as he was talking to Niall and I whispered to him that Jess wanted him. He sat up and sprinted out of the building before I could even finish telling him what happened. Zayn, Niall and Lou looked at me confused and I motioned for them to get up. I could say anything. All I could do was yell at myself for being so stupid. Why was I so stupid?

We walked out to see Liam pile into the car with Jess and Paul drove off. A few seconds later the limo we arrived in pulled up. Dammit Harry!

"Fuck!" I said as I was in the car looking out the window.

"Mate what happened?" Lou asked grabbing my shoulder.


We finally got home and I headed straight for Jess' room. Liam slowly pushed me away shaking his head. "She's asleep. She's fine just leave her be." He said sternly.

"Is she okay?" I asked. I felt like an asshole. I looked like an asshole. I knew I was an asshole.

"Just a scratch. She's fine." He quickly motioned for the boys and the disappeared into their rooms.

I say on the recliner and tried to calm down. How could I let this happen? How could I do that? Why did I do that? I knew I had ruined this for us. Was she ever going to trust me again? Was she going to be scared of me? I let my head rest in my hands. I beat my self up over what had just happened. What I had just let happen. A creak interrupted my thoughts. I looked over to see Jess standing at the door. Her dress had disappeared and she was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a large shirt. I examined her face. Her makeup was smeared and her eyes were tired and puffy. I didn't like the look of this Jess. She was too sad to be her.

She crossed her arms and her face stayed sad and broken. "Well?" She asked. Her voice was shaky. She didn't sound angry or demanding.

I stood up and let my hand nestle into my pockets. I looked at her and then dropped my head as my eyes watered. Just a small sting of fear crept into them. The sting mostly consisted of shame, guilt, regret, and hatred towards myself.



Aghhhhh sorry to do this to you !!! Don't hate me ! Lol :) new update soon !

And sorry this was short !

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