Chapter 26

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Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't updated in like forever!!!! But don't worry I'm back so here's a new chapter for you guys :)  


The boys were 2 months away from their tour. I didn't know what to think. Harry would be gone for a whole year and there was nothing I could do about it. I knew I would miss Harry but I didn't know how badly I would miss him. I couldn't sleep well . I just stayed up all night thinking about Harry leaving and where that would leave me and us. When my alarm screamed at me was when I actually started to get tired. I crawled out of bed, well more like slithered, and got ready for the awakening of the boys. 

Harry had fallen asleep on the couch with Niall on the floor. They wanted to have a movie night. Harry had been acting some what distant from me lately and I couldn't figure out why? It was strange and I didn't like it. But I didn't know what to say to him. I made a quick and simple breakfast while every one was running around and getting ready. I decided to ask Harry what was wrong. I had to sooner or later and I was better off asking now.  

I waited until Harry had went to the bathroom in our room. Yes our room. He moved his stuff out of the room he shared with Lou and we have been sleeping together ever since. Even when he was asleep he was acting distant. I knocked on the bathroom door until he opened it. 

"Did you need the bathroom?" He asked half tired. 

I scrambled my brain for words. "No I wanna talk to you about something. 

"Okay." He nodded and went to the other side and started getting dressed.  

"Harry... Is everything okay? Between us?" I asked and stared at his face to see what kind of reaction he would have to the question.  

"Why are you asking?" He stopped buttoning up his shirt and looked at me with confused eyes.  

"You've just been tense lately and..distant."  

"What are you getting at Jess?" He raised an eye brow and I could tell he was getting annoyed.  

"I just told you." He was confusing me. "Why won't you answer the question Harry?" I was getting paranoid and scared. He was being strange and deflecting. Was he hiding something.  

"Because." He said. "It's a stupid question." He slipped on his hat and walked towards the door.  

"Wait." I stopped him. 

"What?" His voice was not the voice Harry would use when talking to me. 

"I might be new to dating a pop star but I'm not new to dating guys." 

"Listen. I gotta go right now but how about we talk about this when I get back okay? You can nag me about what ever you want when I get home." He quickly pushed passed me and went out the door. 

I'm nagging him now?! I quickly rushed out of the room and followed him as the rest of the boys were putting on their shoes. "Oh so now I'm nagging?!" I yelled. 

The boys' heads shot up and stared at me and Harry as I stood there hurt, confused and annoyed. 

Harry turned to face me. "Not now Jess. I said when I get back." His face was so stern it didn't even seem like he was the real Harry. It was like he changed over night. 

I cleared my throat and shook my head quickly. I gave the rest of the boys a small smile and walked into the kitchen so they wouldn't see how worried I was. I heard the door close and I finally let out a small groan and rested my head against the counter. Today was gonna be one long day.


It was about 5 in the afternoon and the boys werent back yet. I was getting frustrated. I needed to talk to Harry and I needed to do it now. I rested my head against the sofa, hoping I could relax and let go of the situatuon but I couldnt. I started to go over the situation in my head. I tried to think about what was wrong with Harry and why he was acting this way. I needed to calm down and let go but I'm not that kind of person. I just decided to wait it out.

About an hour later the boys piled into the house but one was missing. Harry. I looked at the boys and they looked at me just as confused. "Where's Harry?" I asked.

"What? He's not here?" Liam questioned.

I shook my head  and let it drop down. I couldnt handle this. Why was he acting this way all of  sudden? It wasnt right. It wasnt fair. We were doing so good and it just didnt fit. I cleared my throat as I blinked the tears away. "Im gonna go for a walk guys. Um.. Dinner is on the table. I'll be back later tonight."

"Jessy wait-" Zayn said trying to stop me.

It was too late. I was already out the door and walking down the hall in my self pity. I reached the elevator and pressed the down button and waited for it to arrive. When I heard the ding, I saw Harry standing inside the elevator staring at me with guily, regretful, and confused eyes. I inhaled deeply as he stepped out.

"Jess.." He said quietly.

And i thought I would have died at the sound of my name. That was untill he said the next few things.........


Cliff hanger!! i suck I know lol

Hope you guys enjoy :)

Please comment and I will do some questions and answers and suggestions!!!! :) 

Love you guys!!

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