I sigh and nod my head. "Wouldn't you be? The rational part of me says not to worry but the irrational, insecure part of me keeps making up these scenarios where..."

"Stop," Sam interrupts. "You want rational? Listen to me. We don't know if something happened to him so there's no point in freaking out. I'll take you home with me now. We can call his house phone then if you like and check if anyone there knows where he is. If that doesn't work, we'll try to find his hotel. Even if it means I'll have to be your chauffeur all night. I'll do it."

I think about that for a moment. If it comes down to it, I probably would take Sam up on that offer. I would most likely feel like the most dependent, obsessive girlfriend of the century but it doesn't matter. I have a bad feeling and I'd rather find out first hand what's going on.

"Thank you, Sam."

"No problem at all." As he stares ahead at the road, I notice his forehead creasing up.

"Now that I unloaded my emotional junk on you, how about you do the same? I can handle it." I assure him but when he glances at me, taking his eyes off the road for a split second, I can see that his own insecurities are gnawing at him.

"I'm not sure you can, honestly. Seth didn't." This time Sam keeps his eyes straight forward.

"Wait... Seth knows? Come on Sam!" Maybe Sam's confession has something to do with the fact that Seth is ignoring me. By the guilty look on my cousin's face, I bet it actually does!

"He wasn't supposed to find out before you."

"Just tell me Samuel!"

Sam scoffs and I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"You'll see soon enough. I'd rather wait until we're home."

The car ride home is filled with an insufferably painful silence. All I want to do is squeeze Sam's confession out of him right there and then but I know it's useless. He is even more stubborn than I am and there's no way to get past that when he has his mind made up.

I resist the urge to call Seth once more, knowing the outcome already and then we arrive at Sam's apartment. Sam all but sprints from the car to collect my luggage from the trunk. Whatever awaits me in that apartment is definitely not going to be pleasant.

Following Sam into the building, dread builds inside me. Sam can't look at me as he shoves his key into the lock and unlocks the door. The door swings open and I can see Sam's shoulders lift and drop as he takes a deep breath. I brace myself for what's to come and follow him into the apartment.

To my surprise, the apartment is empty and looks the exact same as it did when I left. It has only been a couple of days so I don't know what exactly I expected. But then Sam calls out and I hear movement coming from Sam's bedroom. Turning towards him, I furrow my brow.

"Who is in there?" I question but when I get my answer, I am stunned.

A strangled laugh escapes me when my question is answered by Leena appearing from the bedroom. Dressed in a Victoria's Secret nightgown and sporting perfect silky hair only slightly tousled she joins Sam's side, wrapping an arm around his waist. I tear my eyes away from her tiny frame to redirect my glare at Sam.

The way Leena looks up at my cousin makes it all very clear. Now it even makes sense how she knew where to drop Seth off when he got drunk at the club! Mutual friends? Yeah, right! She's sleeping with my cousin and didn't have the decency to tell me about it!

"You can't be serious." I choke out.

"Listen, Arya, I'm sure this looks worse than it is."

"Does it? Because to me this looks like you're dating the girl whose whole purpose used to be to make my life horrible!" I honestly can't believe my eyes right now. The memory of Sam completely losing it over the fact that Seth and I were friends flashes in front of my eyes. He made me feel like I betrayed him so deeply that he could never forgive me. And now... Now he does the exact same thing!

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now