Another Prison Incendent.

Start from the beginning

"Ahsoka." she breathed as a fresh wave of guilt rushed through her.

"Hello, Barriss." Ahsoka sat down next to her.

Barriss was aware of how many people were staring at her. She ignored the guilt she felt and sat up straighter. "Not that I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here?"

That old mischievous grin that often proceeded her getting in trouble appeared on Ahsoka's face. "I'm here to break you out of course. I can't just let you sit here all day waiting for your execution."

"Why-" All playfulness disappeared from Ahsoka's face. "Am I saving you after you betrayed me and murdered your fellow Jedi?" Ahsoka asked back in a whisper.

A sad smile appeared on her old friend's face. "At first I didn't like the idea of saving you either but my master is right. You can't give up on your family, not when they aren't truly lost."

"Ahsoka!" Barriss hissed.

"Barriss!" Ahsoka mocked her. From the corners of her eyes, Barriss saw two clones approaching them, probably to check what the two women were up to.

"I understand why you did what you did even if I don't agree with your actions. The Order and the war turned us into who we are. That's why I left. I'm offering you the chance to join my master and I and become a Renegade Jedi." Ahsoka whispered.

"Ahsoka, I can't run from the crimes I've committed," Barriss argued.

Ahsoka slowly nodded. "Neither can my master. However, you can try to repent by serving those that need you most. Are you ready to be a Jedi again? You'll need to make up your mind in the next five seconds or our window is closed."

Barriss closed her eyes for a moment. Perhaps she could make up for her deeds. "Okay, what's your plan?"

A sly smile appeared on Ahsoka's lips. "We leave in Style. My master told me to try to keep a low profile so I'll have to do the exact opposite. You'll need this, though." From a pocket, she pulled a long, silver black metal cylinder.

It was a light Saber of simple, graceful design. "I have my own weapons with me." She gingerly accepted the weapon. It was heavier than her own weapon had been and cool to the touch.

Barriss was aware of the fact that accepting the weapon of a Jedi right here and now was the equivalent of making an oath to Ahsoka, the Galaxy and herself. An oath of servitude. "Hey, you! What are you holding? Show me your hands!"

Grinning Ahsoka slowly got to her feet, her two weapons in her hands. She has heard that Ahsoka had lost her lightsabers. Obviously, she had recovered her weapons.

"You mean like this?" Ahsoka called back. Her lightsaber and shoto blazed to life as the Togruta fell into a crouch.

Barriss sighed and stepped next to her old friend, a glowing blue blade sliding out of her own weapon with a hiss. It felt good to hold a lightsaber again.

"All prisoners on the floor." One clone yelled while the other called in a general alert, both their weapons trained on the two Jedi.

Ahsoka pushed with the force and a wave of energy sent the two guards and a few prisoners flying through the air. Just then alarms started bearing.

"I think we should leave," Barriss suggested.

"Yeah, you might be right."

They ran towards the hallway, inmates jumping out of their way as they went. A glowing red energy-filled appeared in front of them trapping them inside and a door on the other side of the room opened and clone troopers charged into the mess hall.

StarWars: Renegades -In The Name Of The FallenWhere stories live. Discover now