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DAY 43/69


I open up my school bag to dig out for my pencil case, I need to do some homework ugh. 

Its already 9.30 in the night and I had just finished watching my anime, why must there be homework?

I lazily put my hand inside my bag and rummaged through without looking for my pencil case.  I felt something weird, sharp at the edge and rectangular, curiously I pulled it out and realized that it was letter.

"Jimin hyung " it says at the front.  I slowly and with precision tore open the side of the envelope and saw a hand written letter.

"Hyung. Its Jungkook here. I don't know if you like me or not,  but I do really treat you like my own brother.

Hey,  I have left the country to Australia,I got accepted in a performing arts academy.It's a really long story =_= Please promise me one thing? 

Please treat Cassandra well with all your heart,  I know you really like her and all but if I see her crying I'll come straight at you.

Karma hurts like a bitch.  It must be all my wrongdoings,  I have met the girl of my life but God decides to bring me away from her.  She will definitely have a better life with you instead of me hyung.

Do me a favour, just keep her away from Anna alright,  she can get really crazy at times and I'm sorry for doing stuff behind your back with Anna.

I have left Cassandra a letter as well, please check her up for me? Sometimes she can really get mad and do foolish stuff.

Hyung, take care alright:)


I crumpled the paper and knew that Cassandra must have read the letter that he had given to her. 

Jungkook is my best dongsaeng ever, should I let go of Cassandra for him?

Grabbing my coat and forgetting about homework,I immediately drove myself to Cassandra 's house.

I frantically knocked on the front door numerous times, I paced up and down, debating whether to just crash open the goddamn door.

Screw that, I can't wait anymore. What if Cassandra can't think properly? 

Instead of crashing the door, I found a nearby open window and I just jumped myself into the unit.

"Cassandra? " I called out for her but there wasnt any reply.  I went into a empty  bedroom and saw a familiar figure on the floor, "cassandra! " I screamed as I ran towards her,  kneeling onto the floor,  I quickly scooped her up in my arms and put her onto the bed.

I could see dried up tears from her porcelain like face,  she must have cried alot. 

Jungkook meant a lot to you, don't he?  Jimin you should just let go of her. Jungkook is destined to be with her. Your just a obstacle between them.

You made jungkook leave, you broke their happiness. My thoughts started hitting me like a yellow school bus,  but Is it true that because of me,  Jungkook left the school for Australia?

"Andwaeee.... " you heard a groan followed by a slight movement in bed. "Jimin? " the clueless girl looked at me weirdly.

I noticed that she had a letter in her hand,  "give me that. " I told her but she just shook her head, refusing.

"What are you doing here? " she asked clutching onto the letter hardly and her eyes were really red,  probably because from all those crying.

"Jungkook left me a note and he asked me to check on yo-" I was trying to explain but suddenly she grabbed my collar, "what did Jungkook write in the letter?!" She exclaimed biting her lips.

"He wanted me to just check on you. "I told her and she slowly removes her grip.  "where did he go?!  Why did he leave me?! " I just watch her cry once again.  Salty tears streamed down her cheeks continuously as her frail body shook hardly, I patted her back and comforted her.

Jimin, do the right thing. My brain tells me.

"Cassandra. I have something to say. "I braved myself to say.

For the sake of your Dongsaeng.

Taking a deep breath, I said, " I want us to break up. "

She looked at me with cold eyes, "not you too Jimin oppa!" She latched herself onto me as i held her in my embrace, smelling the vanila smell that she always has which made me fell deeply in love with her.

"I realised that it is just an infactuation. I don't like you at all. " I lied, such lies Jimin, such lies.

"What.... what do you mean? " she gave me the puppy eyes which just made the situation 100% harder to solve.

Think Jimin think....

"I was just confused with my feelings okay?when you kiss me I feel nothing, no sparks at all. "I said coldy, hoping that she wouldn't see through my lies.

"So you mean... all those singing,  confession.. dates... they are all fake? You were toying with me? " she let go of me and kicked me off the bed.

"I knew I couldn't trust BTS at all.  The rumours are all true,  you all are playboys,  you just toy with girls feelings and kick them aside when you don't need them. And i thought you were the decent one . Get out! " she screamed at me with tears in her eyes,  I blinked quickly and made sure no tears could be seen.

"Yea yea Cassandra, bye. " I gave her one last look before showing myself out of the house.  I fell down on my knees at the pavement,  "you did the right thing Jimin... you did the right thing. "I assured myself, crying my eyes out on the cold street.

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