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DAY 27/69

I heard a gunshot and everyone froze, "the game has now ended ! Blue team wins! " the teacher announced through a microphone and I hugged Jungkook instinctively purely because I was so excited that this was my first win.

He hugged back and grinned.


"Hey Cass-" Jimin called out but he saw what happened, you were hugging Jungkook, he immediately looked away, almost going to cry.

"She's his. Face it Jimin. " Jimin assured himself but felt really sad, he liked Cassandra but he knew that Jungkook did too...

He then went up to Taehyung, " dongsaeng. How does it feel like when you are in love? "

"Ah... the feeling is unexplainable, when you are in love, you dont see anyone else except for the girl. You just want to spend the rest of your life with her, no one else matters. You are willing to give everything up just to see her smile. When she's sad your always there to comfort her and you will make her feel safe in your arms... " he patts Jimin in the back.

"Is that how you felt for Cassandra? " he asked Taehyung and he sadly nodded, " yea... that's until i met her best friend, her best friend was so attractive, I was foolish back then. If I have not screw it up, I'll still be with her. Why hyung? You like her? " he smirks at Jimin and Jimin immediately denied it.

"Your secret is safe with Kim Taehyung. " he winks and Jimin mentally facepalmed himself.

That dork .

"You can let go of me now. " I told Jungkook and he put me down , I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly , "I was just excited don't take it to heart ermm yea bye! " I hurriedly said and went off to the toilet ,my heart beats so quickly like I had never felt before, even faster when I was with Taehyung.

"There you are. Finally, alone. " Anna came with her minions again.

" what do you want?!" I asked her, annoyed.

"You... to disappear. " she smirks and her minions dragged me off to the rooftop, they harshly threw me up here leaving me freezing in my PE attire.

"No one will sleep with you tonight. " Anna smirks viciously as she flipped her hair walking away with 3 minions behind her.

I ran to the door of the rooftop and banged onto it furiously, "let me out of here Anna! " I screamed but she didn't care. "I said let me out of here!!! You bitch! " I screamed.

"The bitch here is you. Enjoy your stay, sucker. " I could feel her smirking outside there, snickering with her minions,before they walked off, I could hear chains, crap . I layed down against the door helplessly.

This seemed so familiar. Right, I was also locked in the janitor 's closet with chains outside the door.

I knew it . It was her .

She was behind all of this .


"Hyungs, have you seen Cassandra? " I asked Jimin and Taehyung but both of the shook their heads, "why? Did she disappear? " Anna came crashing our little group talk with her minions . The other girls just laughed at what their leader said.

"Anna it's not funny at all! " Jimin punched his fist onto the table, furious.

"Something is not right guys. We need to find Cassandra right now, she has been gone for like 15 minutes already. " Taehyung said and the rest agreed.

"She's probably just at the toilet, what's there to worry. Hahaah. " Anna gently pushed Jimin back down to his seat, "let's just stay here ,she can find her way back." She assured us.

"But it's already been 15 minutes. Help me report this issue to the teacher, I'm going to look for her right now. " I told all of them and started running on a search for Cassandra.

"Wait up ! " Jimin and Taehyung soon catched up with me. "Lets find her together."Taehyung said.

"The other time she went missing. Where was she found? "I asked Jimin. "Janitor closet. "

I sprinted to the first floor 's janitor 's closet but I don't see anyone out here , everyone is just at the field cheering.

"Cassandra!! " I shouted here and there . I searched every nook and cranny of the school but I still don't see her.

I even went into the girls toilet.

I saw Taehyung running, "hyung, have you seen her yet ?!" I shouted across the hall.

"No. " he panted hard and both of our hair were all now wet, I wiped off the sweat and continued searching.

I have only missed a spot, the rooftop. "Hyung, how about the rooftop, let's go. " I suggested and both of us ran up there only to find Jimin trying to knock the door open.

"Jimin! " both of us shouted at the same time." Guys she's there freezing hurry help me break this chain. This chain is way stronger than the last one."

"On a count of three. One.... two... three! " we shouted and threw ourselves onto the door, creating a huge dent on the door.

Finally when we hit it again, the door broke and I ran into it , to my horror, I see Cassandra shivering and her lips were so pale in colour. I ran towards her and held her bridal style, the rest of the hyungs saw and immediately made way for me to bring her to the sick bay.

That night our class gathered in a circle ,singing songs , laughing with the fire in the middle, burning hot just like how high everyone feels right now.

"Lets play truth or dare. " one of our classmate suggested and everyone nodded. The bottle spun towards Jungkook and all the girls squealed.

"Dare. " he smirks.

"Kiss the girl you think is the prettiest today. "

Anna 's minions started fangirling 101 nudging Anna and she laughed nervously, "aish i know you want it, just kiss me now, I'm here. " she made a pouty face .

Jungkook walked passed her which shocked everyone, instead he was coming towards... me.

He squats down and leaned in, kissing me on my lips, I flushed red and I felt all numbed up and flattered . The whole class fangirled and melted , giggling and shouting .

They spun the bottle again, and it reached Jimin.

"Truth or dare Jimin? "

"Dare. "

"Kiss the girl you think is the prettiest too! "

Anna did the same pouty face and she looked so ready to receive a kiss but then ,Jimin walked away from her as well, coming towards me.

He gave me a kiss without a second thought, I got shocked but he just winks at me and went back to his seat.

The class 's reaction was even bigger this time . Everyone was in a mess , they were talking about how it was a love triangle between the three of us and some were even betting who i would have ended up with .

When the campfire was over, we went back to our tents but to only see that there was only one huge tent left for us . Taehyung smiled cheekily and gave us a V handsign .

"I gave the teacher a stupid excuse and tada , we got ourselves a huge tent so that we can all sleep together!!" He cheered

I layed down immediately and there goes jungkook and jimin, both of them each took a side of mine. Anna slept beside Jungkook while V took the side of Jimin 's.

Anna ◆Jungkook ◆me ◆Jimin ◆Taehyung◆

When I was going to close my eyes,I realised that both Jimin and Jungkook were staring at me, not sleeping. "What? guys go to sleep. "

"I am. I sleep with my eyes open ." Jungkook says and gave a derp face .

"Metoo ."
Sigh .

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