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DAY 8/69

"Thanks Jungkook. Didn't know you were this caring. " I actually bothered to thank him since my swollen leg felt way better than before. Well , im not that inhumane , arent i ?

"Do you perhaps live alone? " he asked me.

"Yea, why are you even asking the obvious ? You came over before . "

"I will move in with you. No objections? good. " he said and answered himself and i just gave him a weird look .

"Hey! I didn't say yes at all! " i shouted and tried standing up on my feet as I saw him walking out of my room smiling.

I fell back down immediately as I shut my eyes close waiting for the huge impact but it never came.

I slowly opened my eyes seeing myself in a awkward position with Jungkook. He was the one groaning instead.

Realizing that I was actually on top of him, I smiled sheepishly, "oops? "

"Yah get up my back hurts, your heavy. "
"Hey im not heavy! "I shot back but he just stuck his tongue out at me.

I held tightly onto the side of the bed frame and struggled myself to get onto the bed.

Jungkook stood up and suggested, " I'll go pack my luggage and lend me your house keys, I'll duplicate them myself on the way. '
Before I could say a thing to object, he already went off, I sigh.

My phone beeped and it was an unknown number , "hello who Is this? " I asked .

"You didn't save my number? " that voice , wait I know that voice.

"Who are you? " I asked again.

"Taehyung. "

I was going to press the "end " button however I heard him say,"wait don't end the call first! Can we meet up? I wanna explain to you! "

"Give me 10 good reasons why I should go and make it quick. " I rolled my eyes despite knowing that he wont be able to see it .

"One , i still love you . Two , i have stopped fucking girls . Three , i wouldnt hurt you . Four , i really miss you . Five , i havent seen you for three years long already —"

He actually stupidly named them out one by one which I cutted him off, "okay . Where and what time? " I asked him. I could totally feel him smiling behind the phone, " usual cafe. And an hour later? "


I ended the call and got ready .Holding onto my clutches I slowly made my way out to the front door but I came into this realization that Jungkook has taken my keys.

Oh right I had a spare key in my drawer, I took it out and went out of the house making my way to paradise cafe, the cafe where I used to meet up with him at.


"Hey." I said when I saw a familiar face. "Oh hey Cassandra your here omo why are you in clutches? " he asked worriedly and helped me to my seat.

"Cut the crap and spill your story. " I folded my arms.

"Okay so apparently your best friend ... she was arranged marriage to me. "He started off.

"What? "

"My parents, argh company issues i know we are still studying. I told them about you, I swear i did. but they didn't care at all. So eventually I married your best friend but you were kept in the dark, let's just say everyone was, maybe except for my hyungs. "

"Go on. " I was already getting annoyed . So he was actually married already ?

"So after marrying her, we spent some time together overseas, remember there was a week where both me and your best friend wasn't around in school, yea we were in Jeju. I realised that she was exactly like you and started developed feelings for her. I was foolish. I know that was a fake marriage but then... I liked both of you at the same time."

"Okay stop, I have heard enough. " I was close to tears.

"No wait I'm not finished. " He insisted that I listen.

"So apparently that day when you saw me doing it with her ... we were drinking and got high. I didn't know you would be home, and fine I admit she snuck into our house a few times when you were in your part time job in the office. "He admitted with guilt all over his face.

"You do know you are such a dick , dont you . " I said bluntly.

"Yes. But i swear , the marriage has been broken off already since our companies are financially stable and she has already found another lover . "

"Can you come back to me? "

This is ridiculous, as I was about to say something, someone slammed his table which scared me alittle.

"Have you said finish your piece yet? " jungkook said angrily and I looked at him confused, since when was he here?

" Jungkook , go away this doesn't concern you. "Taehyung insisted but it only angered Jungkook .

"This concerns me because it concerns Cassandra, shes the one and you know the rule. When one girl is marked the rest of us cannot touch them or ask them out !"

"Well I just broke a rule so what? We had a past together! " Taehyung exclaimed and I felt everyone staring at us. " I joined bangtan to protect her ! "

"Hyung, watch this carefully. " Jungkook said and leaned in towards me, my eyes widened as I felt something soft on my lips, it was Jungkook 's lips .

I was going to push him off but his grip on my head and shoulders were too tight, I couldn't even budge .

"Fine if this is how you wanna play, I'll do it too. " Taehyung said and harshly pull Jungkook away before putting his lips on mine.

What the f- just happened?!

At the corner of my eyes I could see a fuming Jungkook , oh my god. His hand balled up into a fist and was ready to punch him.

Taehyung slowly let go of me and I grabbed my clutches and went out of the cafe heading towards the boxing arena again. "Don't follow me! " i screamed leaving the two boys there.

The boxing arena was my escape.

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