Chapter 3: More than just an old man

Start from the beginning

       The man sheathed his sword and looked at the two sisters. When his eyes looked at Patricia, he momentarily stopped and shock was spread across his face. He continued staring at Patricia for a few more seconds until he looked away from her. Patricia found it weird and thought hard if she and the man saw each other before. She couldn’t remember seeing him but there was a feeling inside of her that she couldn’t comprehend.

       “Are you two hurt?”

       “No, sir, we are not.” Patricia answered. “Thank you very much for saving us…but how did—”

       “I know?” the man cut in. “Because the eagle saw that you two looked liked that you were in trouble and he showed me how to find you and here I am.”

       “Oh, is that so…” Patricia stared at the sky. The eagle was no longer there. The night was still again as it was used to be like in an ordinary and peaceful night.

       “Why are those guards after you two? Did you do something wrong?” the man asked them.

       “We did nothing wrong, mister!” Marianne said. “They were the ones who burned our house and imprisoned out mother and siblings inside. Our father told us to ran away and go into town for our safety. We don’t understand why those guards did that!”


       “So that is what happened. The guards are always abusing their power to trample those who are weak or they think are under them. I have seen a lot of these on my travels.” The man explained. “You don’t realize that there are lots of people like you who are experiencing the same thing throughout this country.”

       “We are very well aware of how this kingdom is like, sir. Our parents taught us that…but I don’t think that this is not just a situation like what you mentioned earlier…” Patricia said.

       “So are you telling me that what your sister said isn’t truly what had happened to the two of you?”

       “No, sir I didn’t mean it like that. What my sister said is what had really happened but when father was fighting with them, they said that…they said…”

       She was being hesitant if she was going to tell him but she had no choice because they were in a difficult position and besides, she told herself, he saved us. He must be trustworthy.

       “The guards told us that our parents our not telling us something. They said that we were being deceived.” Patricia said. “Our parents aren’t like that and I don’t know if what the guards said were true.”

       The man walked a few paces, thinking and analyzing their situation.

       “Our parents are good people. They’ll not do anything bad to make the guards do this to our family.”

       “Based from what you said, I believe that they are indeed good people but how do you explain what those guards told you about your parents? They must have a basis for what they said, don’t you think?”

       “So what are you implying?” Patricia said.

       “Our father is just a farmer and our mother is just a plain housewife.” Marianne said.

       “How did your father protect the two of you?” he asked. Patricia was about to answer but when she remembered how she suddenly became silent and couldn’t bring herself to reply. Their father knew how to use a sword. It was the first time Patricia saw their father like that.

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