Chapter 17

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*Kendall's Pov*

I walk around cleaning up after the mess the boy's kept making, for they were all over to watch the NBA Finals. They were seriously the biggest pigs in the world. They were all huddled up on the couch with their Miami Heat jersey's on and they looked so darn cute. I look over to Olivia who was in her bouncer giggling as the boys screamed at the telly. I walk out to throw the garbage away in the kitchen and sit down on a bar stool. 

As for me and Niall, we still haven't been talking much. It's been almost a month since the whole kissing scandal went down and Niall refuses to make any conversation or eye contact with me. He made the decision that we should still livre in the same house for Olivia's sake but he insisted on still sleeping in the basement. I had really done it this time. 

My thoughts were interupted by Harry walking out to the kitchen and grabbing a beer from the fridge. "Hi Harry." I say softly and he turns and flashes me a smile. "How are you and Niall?" I ask him. 

"Well, he hasn't said a word to me and he sits as far away from me as possible. I'm actually surprised he even allowed me to come here." he explains.

I sigh, "Why is he being such a baby? I mean honestly he needs to get the stick out of his ass and actually talk to us!" I say my voice getting louder. I take a deep breath and look up to Harry with watery eyes, "I think I am going to move back home." I say softly. 

"What?" He whisper shouts so no one could hear us. "You can't leave."

"I have to. Niall doesn't want me here and we aren't even together anymore...I don't think. It's for the best." I explain.

"What about the baby?" He asks.

"Well she will obviously come with me due to Niall's busy schedule. Believe me, I don't want to do this but it's for the best." I tell him. "I actually should go book some flights."

I walk out to the living room to grab Olivia from her seat and I carry her outside to the back porch with me so I can make some calls. 


*Niall's Pov*

I keep my eyes glued to the telly as Kendall walks out and grabs Olivia. I try to not recognize her pressence and pretend that I didn't care about her, which was obviously untrue. She hurt me and I need to try and act tougher than I really am. 

Harry stomps out to the living room after Kendall leaves and stands in front of me so I can no longer see the telly. I don't look at him and try to push him aside but he doesn't budge. I stand up to face him, his face was stiff and full of anger. "Harry move. Or leave. Your lucky I even allowed you here." I say. 

"If you have something to say, then say it. You've got to talk to us sometime, Niall." He says with a hint of anger. 

"You kissed my girlfriend, Harry! Am I suppose to just be happy?!" I scream.

Harry flinches, "Well talk to her about it! Your the reason she's going home!" He screams back. 

What does he mean? Kendall wanted to go back home? "What are you talking about?" I say calmly. 

"She's outside booking flights home for her and Olivia because your being such a dick to her." He explains.

I sit on the couch with my head in my hands when I feel someone sit next to me. I look up to see Harry sitting by me with his arm around my shoulder. "You need to believe us, mate. The kiss meant nothing. She loves you...a lot. Just talk to her." He says and places somehing on my lap. 

I look at the object that Harry placed on my lap and see that it is a CD labeled "Don't Let Me Go." "What's this?" I ask.

"Listen to it and if you still don't want to be with Kendall, then it's done." he says.

I nod and get up to go to the basement to listen to it alone. I place it in a radio and sit down and listen to the lyrics closely. It was obviously Harry singing the song and the song explained my life perfectly. Kendall may have made a mistake but our love was stronger than that silly mistake. I didn't want to let her go. Ever. 

Nobody Said it Would be Easy (Niall Horan Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя