Chapter 5

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*Kendall's Pov*

I have my first checkup today on my pregnancy. The boys and I had recently returned home to London from their European Tour. I was so incredibly happy to be home. I loved being with the boys and going around the world with them, but sometimes I just want to be home where I belong.

Niall was coming with me to the checkup and I could tell he was just as excited as I was to see our baby. We walk into the doctors office and Niall checks us in as I sit in one of the waiting room chairs.

My stomach was getting bigger. You could definitely tell I was pregnant that's for sure. I was about a month and a half along. Niall comes and sits next to me filling out my paperwork for me. Knowing that me and Niall have only dated for about 3 months, known each other for 3 months for that fact, he knew a lot about me.

He walks back out to the counter and hands the receptionists my paperwork and he comes back to me and sits down. He takes me hand and gently holds it in his. He winks at me telling me that everything is going to be alright.

The doctor comes out and she calls our name telling us it is our turn to come back. We follow her back into a room. "Is this your first child?" She asks.

Me and Niall both look at each other and laugh, "Yes." we answer at the same time.

She starts to rub some cold substance on my stomach and I hardly knew anything about these ultra-sounds so I just let her do what she does. She tells me and Niall to watch the screen and we both turn our attentions to the screen in front of us. She moves this thing over my stomach and she points to the screen. "Thats your baby right there" she says. Me and Niall both look at each other and smile. "Would you like to know the gender?" the doctor asks us.

I look to Niall and he is giving me the same look. "I think we should find out for future issues." Niall finally says and I nod and turn to the doctor and she smiles.

She points to the screen and says, "Seeing from the babies area," she emphasizes the word "area" and Niall starts to laugh. He can be so immature sometimes. "We can see that the baby is a girl."

I smile, I really wanted a girl. I always dreamed of having a little girl and spoiling her rotten. Niall puts his arm around me and gives me a little squeeze telling me he is happy.

"Thats great." I say and she smiles at me.

"Well, we are done here." the doctor says, "Your baby is perfectly healthy and is doing fine."

I smile and pull my shirt back down over my stomach. Niall takes my hand helping me up off the chair and we walk out of the doctors office and out to our car.


We make it back to my flat and we walk inside and we sit down in the kitchen. "You know, I think we are ready for the next step." Niall says and I just look at him confused.

"And what's the next step, Mr. Horan?" I ask him.

"We need to move in together." He tells me looking at me with pleading eyes.

I smile and move over to him and pecks his lips. "That sounds like a great idea." I tell him.

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