Pick up lines #1

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Jackson- "Are you art?" He gave me the famous Jackson Whittemore smirk.

"No but I take it at school why?" I said led on the bed looking at him leaning on the doorway of his room.

"Because I wanna nail you against the wall" he said making his way over to me. I stood up from the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck

"That's fine by me" I smirked and kissed him.

Scott-"(Y/N) there's something in my eye can you come look?" He shouted from downstairs.

"Yeah Scotty sure" I skipped over to him and looked for the "thing" in his eye.

"Can you see it?" He asked me

"No" I replied "there's nothing there"

"Oh" he laughed "it was just my love for you" he smirked and I walked back upstairs him following me like a puppy

Stiles-"are you related to Yoda?" He asked

"Who's Yoda?" I said knowing that would annoy him.

"Oh my god how can you not know who Yoda is! We've had like 10 movie dates watching Star Wars" he groans "I was gonna say because Yodalicious" he smirked as he walked towards me.

Lydia- "are you wifi" she asked

"Lydia if this is another stu-" I got cut off by her

"Because I'm starting to feel a connection" she giggled running over to me and giving my a peck on my cheek before running upstairs.

Allison- "My favourite letters in the alphabet are U R A Q T"

"Why those 5?" I asked completely oblivious to the fact she was saying a pick up line to me.

"Oh my god" she groaned "heard of pick up lines?" She said

"Ohh right, ally that was a good one" I laughed running up to her and kissing her (if you imagine her as a best fried imagine a kiss on the cheek or something)
Sorry if it sucked :,) there are 4 parts to this if you have any ideas for pick up lines just comment :D

Teen Wolf Preferences/imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang