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"Shawn!" I laugh," stop."

"I'll stop when we die." He says back, laughing.

So right now, we're in the Bahamas, in the hotel room playing monopoly, and Shawn is cheating.

He lands on Boardwalk, and gets money from the bank.

Unbelievable. He stole money.

"Shawn!" I complain," stop cheating!"

"I'm not!" He whines," I'm paying myself for landing on my own property!"

"You can't do that!"

"Says who?"

"Says your pregnant wife whose getting irritated."


"Say, why don't we play a slightly different game, where we both win." I say, biting my lip and tugging on the collar of his shirt.

"Mm. Maybe." He says, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"It's a yes or no question." I say, unbuttoning his flannel.

"Well, I guess a yes wouldn't hurt."


"Yea, wouldn't hurt me."

And then, I kiss his lips, quite harshly.


I remove his flannel and black tee shirt from under, leaving his fine toned chest bare.

He does the same, leaving me with only my bra and shorts on.

He pauses.

"What's wrong?" I ask, laughing at Shawn's wild expression.

"Your tummy! It's growing!!!" He points. And as a matter of fact, it's true. My baby bum is in the verge of barely growing, but you can tell.

"No shit Sherlock. Now, shut up and kiss me." I say, wrapping my arm around the back of his head, bringing his lips to mine.

Slowly but surely, we bring ourselves to become butt naked.

Shawn gets up to get something from his jeans, revealing a shiny metallic wrapper.

As he's tearing it open, I interrupt.

"Umm, Shawn. Why exactly do you need that?" I giggle slightly.

"Uhh, so were protected against cooties." He says, causing me to burst out laughing.

"Shawn, you can't protect me from cooties, I'm already contaminated." I say, pointing at my belly.

"Pssh, I knew that." He says, throwing the condom. He returns to our, uhh, game. Hehehe, yea, our game. "Where were we?"

"Uhh, we were at the part where you shut up and kiss me." I smile, pulling him towards me and start kissing him.

I start leaning back to lay down, Shawns lips never leaving mine.

He puts his arms under the small of my back and somewhat lifts me up a bit. He goes from my lips, to my neck, then down to my collar bone, where he leaves a handful of hickeys behind. Causing a couple moans to slip out here and there, I thought it was time for him to be pleasured, so I flipped us around, as to where I'm at the top.

I start the same way, lips, neck, and collar bone, leaving a plentiful of hickeys behind. I start letting my wanderous hands explor his chest and abs. He had a sharp, fine figured body, and a jawline sharp enough to leave a scar.

I start for his jawline, when I recall feeling like someone shaking me awake, calling my name.

"Huh, wha— where am I?" I ask Shawn, who I can tell is holding back a laugh.

"Babe," he chuckles," you're in the closet. You hid so good that you feel asleep before we found you."

I can see a smaller figure appear from behind Shawn. A little girl.

Well, that little girl was our daughter, I think. My stomach was no longer round, that's for sure. She looks around two, but it still feels like I married Shawn yesterday.

And then it hit me. Thats my little girl. That's my Espn. She is two, well one and a half. And I am pregnant, just, barely.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm just really tired. Can we watch a movie instead please?" I say, getting up from the ground.

"Of course sweetheart. Espn, can you please go choose a movie?" Shawn asks kindly.

"Of course daddy, wait— can we watch nemo! Prettttyyy ppllleeeaaasee." She begs.

"Yes sweetie, daddy said whatever you wanted. If you want to watch nemo, well all watch nemo." I say, bending down to her height and looking her in the eyes.

"Do you want popcorn or chips? You get to choose this time since daddy always chooses." I whisper.

"Popcorn please." She whispers back, handing Shawn the cd case of finding nemo.

I go into the kitchen and grab a microwaveable popcorn packet from out of the cabinet, unwrapping it and placing it in the microwave.

As I wait for the popcorn to complete its popping, I serve Shawn and I a glass of orange juice and then serve Espn some milk in a sippy cup.

I take the drinks into the screening room, then return for the popcorn.

I open the bag and put it in a small bowl for all of us to share.

As I walk into the screening room, I can see Shawn helping my little girl build a fort. It just brings joy to me and let's those little things remind me of why I married this man. It makes me love him more.

I help them out, then start the movie that's being projected onto the white screen from the projector above.

I sit down, Shawn sitting with me, leaning in to kiss me. I kiss him back, only lasting a handful of seconds.

"I love you Shawn."

"I love you more Emmie."

"I love you most."

"Who wouldn't? I mean, let's be realistic."

And he's right. Who wouldn't love him?

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