Chapter 9

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•Shawn's POV•

"Emmie, can you come down from your room really quick, I want your opinion on something." I say, trying to hide my pained face behind that awfully fake smile.

"Sure." she says wiping tears from her face.

"I wrote a new song and I want to hear if you like it." I smile weakly, trying to show her a real one.

"Okay, go for it." she says handing me my guitar.

(A/n: ik this song already exists but let's pretend that it hasn't been released yet.)

She would not show that she was afraid, but being and feeling alone was too much to face. Though everyone said that she was so strong, what they didn't know is that she could barely carry on, but she knew that she would be o-kay. So she didn't let it get in her way.
Sometimes it all gets a little too much, but you gotta, realize that soon the fog will clear up. And you don't have to, be afraid because we're all the same and we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much...(a/n: too lazy to finish the rest of the song hehe.)

I can see a smile forming on those lips of hers.


"Shhh, no need to thank me. It wasn't a favor."

"But Shawn yo-"

"No buts!" I say in a loud tone.

"Thank you Shawn." she whispers in my ear as she leans in for a hug.

I hug her back, knowing it might be the last time I see her for a while.

• Emmie's POV •

After Shawn sang that song to me, my heart melted. I tried to thank him, but he insisted that I not. Well, just to show him how much I loved the song I hugged him.

When we hugged, it seemed like he was holding on for dear life, and so I questioned him about it.

"Shawn?" I ask.

"What's up?" He looks around the room suspiciously.

"What's up? You've been acting strange today as if you were meaning to tell me something. Shawn, remember that you can tell me anything." I offer a slight smile.

"It's just that I have to go back on tour tomorrow. I've cancelled so many shows just to be here with you, but I can't pass this your up because Andrew told me that if I didn't show up, he'd cut me off my career and I can't do that. I'm sorry o didn't tell you sooner, I-i-i was just scared that you wouldn't want to be with me anymore. I just wanted to embrace these last days that I've had with you." he sniffles, eyes turning red.

"Shawn," I gasp between tears," how come you didn't tell me earlier, you can't just leave me like this. my dad died not too long ago, my mom has started drinking at night, yelling at me, trying to hurt me and you're the only thing I could rely on and now you're leaving me. The saddest part is how you make it look so easy." I break down.

He reaches out to hug me, but I push him away, shut him out. At the moment, he's the last person I ever want to talk to. I don't know why, but I want it to be as cliché as it is in the movies, where the guy always chased after the girl, I want to push him away and him to come crawling back even though I know that Shawn would never come crawling back to me, I'm just a girl he met at MAGCON and spent time with him. I'm no one special, he treated me like a princess for all that time lasted and afterwards he just leaves me like a droplet of water in the middle of a drought.

He once again tries to hug me and that's when my inner self shows its true colors," No Shawn! Don't touch me, you waited until the last minute to tell me this? I thought you were better than this Shawn, but up until now it just seems like you want to get into my pants. Leave Shawn, go to your stupid tour because I'm sick and tired of people leaving me! I'm so done!"

I sit on the stairs crying my eyes out, hearing as Shawn sniffles his way to the door, and leaves.

If only you'd stayed... I think to myself.

Why am I so stupid to push away the people I love the most?

An idea sparks into my head and I grab MacBook and go to Shawn's touring site.

I'm buying a ticket to see him play in Toronto, backstage V.I.P. 2 months away.

I feel like I really am going crazy because first I act like a complete bitch and now I'm trying to make up for it. I'm a hopeless romantic that spends her Saturday nights watching those annoying romantic shit. Yea I know, great job Emmie! Again, you fuck things up allllllll the time and please remember the emphasis on all.

For some unknown reason I feel like going to support Shawn at one of his concerts will blow his mind and forgive me for saying that. Weird right. I know. I'm dreading every day until then, I can already feel it.

Hey people!! Sorry for the late update, I've just had massive writers block for the past couple days, and so that's why this happens to be one of the shorter chapters. Actually, I haven't been able to write any of my books sooo yea.

Hope you enjoyed!


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