Chapter 2

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"Elmo," Aimee whispers," wake up. you're gonna miss your flight."

"5 more minutes." I whine.

"I mean your flight boards in an hour, it takes you 30 minutes to get there, and almost 20 to check in. That gives you only 10 minutes to run halfway across the airport to make it to your flight after the last call, so move it." she says, having planned everything out.

"Damn Aimee, got everything sorted out and shit." I say getting up from the bare bed.

"I mean I knew you were gonna sleep in and procrastinate to get your last minute things, so I did them for you." she says genuinely being kind.

"Wow, you must really want to get rid of me." I say playfully.

"Well I mean when you put it that way..." she says smirking.

"Aims, I'm not so sure I wanna go. I mean yea I'll get to see Mendes and all, but what about my best friend?" I say starting to tear up.

You're probably thinking, what a weeny. Well yes, I am because I care about her a lot, She's practically my sister. I've never done anything without her from the moment we met, but people, lets not think wrong, please.

"I'll call you everyday and on my breaks, I promise to fly up and visit you. I expect the same in return."

"Of course, don't be ridiculous." I say leaning in for our perfect hugs.

I swear those hugs can brighten you day. Even if you're a depressed person and is having a bad day, one of our hugs will brighten your day ( a/n: that accidentally rhymed and it wasn't supposed to. It sounds like an ad almost 😂)

"Emmie!" I hear my mom call from downstairs," time to go sweetheart."

"Bye slut." I say reaching in for our last and final hug.

"Bye whore." she replies.

As I let go, a tear streams down my face.

"Imma miss you." I say before grabbing my bags, and leaving.

"Imma miss you too." were the last words I ever heard from her.

A couple hours after I left, her mom called me and told me that she had downed a whole bottle of pills, barely having any life left in her, they decided to let her go.

I swear that I cried for maybe 2 or 3 weeks straight, not eating anything.

"Baby, you gotta eat." my mom says peeking into my new room.

"Okay." I say.

She immediately brings the food into my room, but I just throw it away in my little trash bin. My mom always thinks that I eat, when I really haven't.

As I'm scrolling through my Instagram, I come upon a picture of Aimee and me.

I immediately burst into tears and slide down the wall. I throw my phone across the room, hitting the wall.

"Honey, what's wrong? Why'd you throw your phone?!" My dad asks coming down to my side.

"Leave me alone, please. I don't want anyone that's not Aimee!" I say, going into fetal position on the floor.

"Well I have this letter, it's from Aimee actually. I think you should read it."

I sit up and grab it out of my dads hand and thank him.

I open it up to see a written letter.

I'm sorry for what I've put you through. I know this letter will get there a little late. Your parents gave me your new address so I was able to mail this to you. I know what you're thinking, 'why Aims, why?' I had too. I couldn't live without you and now you don't want to live without me. I know you haven't ate because that time I went on the road trip for a week, you didn't eat until I got back. Listen Elmo, don't give up now, don't starve yourself any longer. Go eat a full meal, get out of your new house, go explore. Have tons of fun. Now before you go saying that you can't without me, you can. I know you can. And about Shawn, go and meet him, go without me. I'll be right there next to you, I promise. My parents will soon be finding all sorts of crap in my room, including a bunch of letters I meant to sent you. They'll probably send them within a short amount of time. Those are to keep you motivated because I knew this day would come. You'll have another letter soon, but goodbye for now, and don't you dare cry anymore because I'll kick your ass spirit wise.
-Love you boo
Aims 💕

Wow. This makes me want to cry more,you know what? Fuck it, I'm crying. I look up to my side table of my bed and see the Shawn Mendes tickets right there, listed for tomorrow afternoon.


And there you have it peoples. The second chapter. It was very emotional for my to write as I'm crying just thinking about losing my best friend. Also, your probably thinking where Shawn is in all of this, he will be in the next chapter for sure, hint hint. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed these first chapters and tell you friends about it too.





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