Chapter 10

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• Shawn's POV 2 Months Later •

It's been 2 months since Emmie told me to leave. Are we broken up? I don't know the answer to that question. Do I love her? Damn right I do. Does she love me? I have no idea.

"Shawn," Andrew says walking into the bedroom of the tour bus,"yo-"

"I'll be out in a minute." I sigh.


"I said, I'll be out in a minute!" I say aggravated.

He chuckles lightly.

"What are you laughing at?" I say.

"Get your ass out here for a very special meet and greet." He smiles sheepishly.

"Andrew," I say reaching the threshold," I don't have time for thi-"

"Hi muffin." Emmie says with a smile plastered on her face," I wanted to surprise you and apologize for our breakup the other day."

"Who said we ever broke up?" I say with tears stinging my eyes.

Her smile dropped to the floor.

"Shawn I'm sorry, I just assum-"

"Don't assume anything!" I growl, immediately feeling guilty.

"You know what, I paid 2000 dollars to get front row and backstage V.I.P passes for your stupid concert, hoping that I could fix this shit! You hear that Shawn? Imprint it into your brain that I still care! I never stopped caring!" She yells with tears streaming down her cheeks like rivers on a rainy day.

"Emmie, I never meant it that way. I'm so-"

"No," she pauses, wiping her teary eyes," I'm sorry for believing that a small town girl like me still had a chance with an infamous pop star like you."

Then, well you can already expect it. She barges out of my tour bus, leaving me once again, heartbroken. A tragic love story. Cliché, I know.

"Andrew, cancel the show." I say, wiping my cheeks, that are still tear stained.

"Shawn Raul Peter Mendes, are you out of your goddamn mind? You're sold out in Los Angeles tonight and you think you can just 'cancel the show'! Shawn, you arrive in 2 hours!" And he goes on and on.

"Okay! I get it, but you don't want me to go onstage like this and give the worst show of my career!" I burst out.

"Okay Shawn, I give up. Fine, leave you fans heartbroken, just know this. Tonight, there was probably dozens of girls who have sacrificed everything in their life for one ticket to come see you. Now, you're the person who let them down and hurt them the most." He says before walking out of the bus.

Shit,I so fucking screwed up.

Emmies POV •

Today is the day, the day that I've been anxious about for 2 whole months. I'm going to see Shawn after our break up. At least, that's what I think happened.

"Emmie! Your ubers here to take you to the airport!" My mom yells from downstairs.

I grab my suitcase and head down stairs.

"Bye mother." I roll my eyes before leaving. You guys got that right, still haven't forgiven her and probably never will.

"Bye sweetie." She says while I was walking out of the door.

I walk up to the uber driver, who was waiting patiently for me at the car door.

"Goodmorning miss, to the airport?" He asks.

"Actually, no. Sorry for making you drive down here. I've a change in plans." I say and hand him a ten dollar bill.

"Thank you miss, have a splendid day." He says before driving off.

I decide to take my car and meet Shawn on the road. Just one phone call to his manager and then BAM! Problem solved.

• Skip to a Couple Hours Later •

"Hi Andrew." I say approaching the entrance of the tour bus.

"Hi Emmie, let me go get him while you get settled in. " he say and then walks towards a door in which I assume Shawn's in.

"Andrew," I recognize Shawn's voice,"I don't have have time for thi-"

He stands there in disbelief.

"Hi muffin." I say with a smile," I wanted to surprise you and apologize for our breakup the other day."

"Who said we ever broke up?" He says with a pained face. I know he was about to cry, I know Shawn like he knows the back of his hand.

My smile dropped. I just wanted to run out before I made things worse, but I couldn't, my feet didn't let me.

"Shawn I'm sorry, I just assum-"

"Don't assume anything!" He yells.

"You know what, I paid 2000 dollars to get front row and backstage V.I.P passes for your stupid concert, hoping that I could fix this shit! You hear that Shawn? Imprint it into your brain that I still care! I never stopped caring!" I yell with tears engulfing my eyes, making everything blurry to the point where I could only see white.

"Emmie, I never meant it that way. I'm so-"

"No," I wipe my eyes," I'm sorry for thinking that a small town girl like me, still had a chance with an infamous pop star like you." I say and then finally run out of the tour bus.

I run to my car that was behind the bus and sit there and cry my eyes out. I eventually fall asleep, not having a care in the world anymore.

"Bye Shawn." I whisper to myself before letting my mind be engulfed in pure darkness,"I love you."

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