Chapter 8

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"Then prove it."

"Oh don't worry baby, I will." he somewhat whispers in my ear, very seductively I might add.

And then I sit on him, well more like straddle him, but hey, same thing right?

I then kiss him and then look at him in the eyes," Are you sure?"

"Never been so sure before. Now the real question is if you're sure." he smirks.

"I think you're underestimating yourself, Mendes." I wrap my arms around his neck.

And then my mom walks in.

"Emmie, what the hell are you doing?" She yells.

"Mom, shut up already! Nothing's going to happen! Just leave me alone." I pull Shawn upstairs to my room.

"You little brat! That's why i keep saying that you were a mistake! You should've never happened.

And with that I just break.

As soon as both of us are in the room, I just drop onto my bed and cry.

"I HATE MY LIFE, I HATE IT!" I yell into my pillow.

"Don't say that babe, don't say that" his voice cracks.

"Let's go." I rush, pulling out a backpack from my closet, stuffing clothes into it and running to my parents closet to where the safe is.

I open it and take out stacks of money my parents have been saving up.

"Where are we going?" He asks in the middle of the jog out of the house.

"Don't ask questions." I say as I throw everything in the back of the car.

"I have to know because I have to be somewhere tomorrow." He says with a worried expression.

"My cousin invited my to a party, we're meeting him there." I say nervously.

"A party?! I can't drink, I have to go back tomorrow." he says gripping my hand.

"It's okay, you don't have to drink," I chuckle," you're just going to go with me."

"Oh, okay." he breathes a sigh of relief.

Within 10 minutes, we're at his house and I can already hear the music and we're parked at least three blocks away.
As we reach his house I can see people spilling out the front door, and so we still manage to make ourselves into the kitchen.

"Hey Elmo!" I hear someone say.

I turn around to see my cousin Christian, standing right there with a well defined body and a a new tattoo on his inner right forearm.

"Hey Cookie Monster!" I hug him.

"Hey, do you wanna drink." he asks grabbing an empty red cup.

"Sure." I look over at Shawn, who looks a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, like I said, you don't have to." I wink.

I start drinking whatever Chris gave me, my gums burning.

"Wanna go dance?" I ask Shawn.

"Sure, anything for you." he smirks.

We start dancing, well me more like grinding. Shawn, well he was just going along with everything.

About 5 drinks later, I'm starting to feel a bit tipsy.

Chris comes over to me and hands me another drink in which I gladly accept.

"Em, I don't think you should drink anymore." he says worriedly.

"Fine." I groan.

"Emmie!" I hear someone call.

Our Song (s.m. fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن