Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Emmie, or Elmo as many people say. I'm just an ordinary girl trying to live an ordinary life. Yea, I fan girl, like most of you. Admit it!

I like Maroon 5, Iggy Azalea, Major Lazer, and such. Oh, I almost forgot.

Most importantly, Shawn Mendes.

His songs empower me and I can listen to them 24/7.

I'm moving to Toronto, Canada. I don't really want to go. I wasn't going to anyways, but then my parents convinced me that if I went, they'd buy me V.I.P. tickets to MAGCON and finally get to meet him. Oh, by him I mean Shawn Mendes.

Yea, you think I'm obsessed with the fact that I have pictures of him on my wall and on my phone and bought his album the minute it came out for preorder, but hey who isn't?

But that's besides the point. Anyways, imma go finish packing.

Narrator: (3rd person)

So now Emmie goes on and continues packing with her former bestfriend Aimmie (a/n: they're best friends so their names rhyme) And I mean former because in a few hours, Emmie will be off to Toronto with her parents.

Oh, she must of forgot to explain herself. Emmie has black hair and light gray eyes. She's a straight A honor student studying to become a, well we don't know exactly what she's studying to become. She's 18 and is in the last month of her senior year in high school. She claims to be one of those ordinary girls just trying to get through life, but in reality, she's popular. She doesn't like to admit it because she's not attention seeking like some whores that go to her school. She's the school goal keeper, to be exact.

Although she does spend majority of her time studying, she also plays soccer, the dream of most girls.

Now I'm not saying that they know how to play or want to know how to play. Many girls have their "dreams" set and ready to go because they just want to get out of boring old P.E. And when tryouts come they always end up "forgetting" and when the coaches give them a second chance to redeem themselves, they fall flat on the face. Bam! Ate shit. Yup, you heard it. And its literal if they just put cow manure on the grass to help it grow evenly.

Anyways, I can go on and on about these girls that think they're suited for all sports, but right now our main focus is Emmie. Not to mention she has long wavy hair.

With a girl like her, boys are falling to her feet, trying to ask her in a date, to prom, or simply help on a geometry question. But the truth is, she could care less. As long as her best friends at her side the world can go fuck themselves.

Now just wait until she gets to meet Shawn. Then SHE would be the one falling head over heels trying to get him to notice her. And what'll happen when he really does. What'll happen if he'd fall head over heels for her too, and fall hard.

Just wait and see...

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