Chapter 14

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"You don't need to explain anything any further, I don't care." I push away from the pair that keeps wanting to explain shit to me.

Now, your question. Good girl gone bad? Definitely.

"Ems," Jackie pleads,"hear us out."

Now you're wondering, well where's shawn outta all this? Answer, his mute buttons on. He's just standing there.

"Shawn? Are you scared? Or are you second guessing your deliberating choice?" I sneer.

"Emmie, don't talk to him like that." She responds sternly.

"Oh, don't you get me started Jacqueline, you caused all this chaos. You weren't even supposed to be born!" I yell, starting to walk away.

"Em," I hear Shawn say, catching up to me,"wait up!"

"What do you want?!" I yell back, attitude definitely present in my voice.

"Why'd you say that to her? This isn't you, why are you acting like this?!" he says, grabbing my hand.

"Because that's what pain does to people, it fucks them up. Now, I have nothing to talk to you or Jackie any further about." I free my hand from his and continue on my journey.

Then, cliché Shawn, goes to console my cousin.

Ever wondered why I've become like you Shawn, a cold hearted bitch. Hmm, me too.

I decide that I feel like I've bought all my necessary things for my rebellion phase, and soon head home.

As I breeze into the kitchen, I'm startled to find my mom cooking.

"Mom, why are you cooking? No take out?" I ask, very surprised.

"Just because, I heard about Jackie and Shawn, maybe some spaghetti and Netflix can help." She offers a smile, in which I gladly return.

"Mom, did you ever go through a rebellious stage, one like mine?" I ask, grasping a single noodle from the drained pot.

"Well, not entirely. Do you mean, did I want to hide under my covers? Definitely. Did I turn bad? Definitely, but I got over it in a couple days. Sweetie, there's no need to make a fuss just about a guy like Shawn." She says, slapping my hand at my intent of trying to grab another noodle.

"So you're saying that I should just be myself after finding out that my boyfriend cheated on me with my cousin. Mom, Shawn isn't just any guy, I really did like him, and I still do, but shit like this pisses me off." I say, starting to set the table.

"I understand, but sometimes, things aren't meant to be." She says, taking the pot of spaghetti to the table, along with a small bowl of spaghetti sauce.

"I don't know mom, I just thought that Shawn was different, different from Taylor." I cringe at the remembrance of my previous relationship and its toxic ending.

"Maybe he is, maybe he needs a second chance, just maybe." She gestures for me to sit down at the table for dinner, only a couple paces behind.

"Maybe, but not right now, I feel like crap and the last thing I need is for him to come back into my life." I say, starting to chomp away at the spaghetti.

"Agree, I felt the same about your father when he passed, I felt like crap and I didn't have a care in the world. I'm sorry Emmie, I should've been stronger for you." She says, laying her hand on top of mine.

"It's okay mom, even the strongest reach their breaking point." I offer a warm smile.

After we finish eating, we at through Mean Girls and Mean Girls 2. Classic.

"Mom, I'm getting tired. Imma head up to bed. Love you." I say, placing a small kiss on her forehead.

"Love you too. I can finally see my little angel again." She adds.

"Me too mom." I whisper as I'm heading upstairs.

Once I reach the threshold of my room, I start undressing and head to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Once I come out, I dry myself clean, and put on a lacy pair of black under wear and a black sports bra. I then cover up my under wear with a pair of booty shorts and head off to bed.

"Surprising how you never dressed like that for me." I hear a male voice say," Even when you gave me your most prized possession."

"Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing in my room you fucking creep!" I yell aloud, sitting up from my previous laying position.

"Aww, c'mon babe, you make this too easy for me. I mean, do you always leave your window open?" I see a tall masculine figure emerge from the darkened corner of my room.

"Taylor? What are you doing here you perv?" I say, wrapping my semi bare chest with my bed covers.

"I heard about your cousin..." He trails off.

"Who in the goddamned world doesn't know? That doesn't answer my question about why you're in my room at 12 o'clock at night." I lay back down.

"I would only guess how pissed you are at him, and I am too. He hurt what used to be my girl, the girl that I took for granted. I love you Emmie."

"I'm sorry Taylor, but I'm over your freshman fantasy." I say, rolling over on my side, trying to sleep.

"Revenge. That's all I want." He says, plain and simple.

"Well, then go fetch doggie." I say mockingly.

"Shawn and Jackie."

He whispers me his plan, secretively.

"I'm not sure it'll work."

"Are you in or not?"

"It's not like I really have a choice." I roll my eyes.

"Great, let's get started."

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