Chapter Fifty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Well, Mommy and Daddy decided we wanted to have a baby too."

She gasps, "You're buying us a baby?!" Willow asks, her eyes nearly popping out of her head.

Peeta and I look at each other and we both snort.

"Kind of..." I say laughing.

Willow gasps again excitedly, "Where is it?" She asks me, looking around the room.

I laugh a little, "It's in Mommy's tummy." Peeta tells her.

Willow's big blue eyes light up, "Momma!" She squeals, jumping out of Peeta's lap and hugs me tight.

I am crying again.

Their reaction's were more than I hoped for.

She gets off of me and hugs Peeta too.

"You sure there's a baby in there? Your tummy is so small." Willow says examining my very flat stomach.

"I'm pretty sure but the baby is super small right now." I say laughing.

Peeta gives me a weird look.

"When it gets bigger you'll get fat?"

"Yep." I laugh a little.

"When's it gonna be here?" Willow asks me jumping up and down excitedly.

I giggle, "Well, we aren't real sure. I have to go to the doctor one week from now and we will know." I tell her, also informing Peeta too.

I flash him a smile and he returns it happily, taking my hand and kissing it repeatedly.

Willow and Peeta are both grinning from ear to ear and I can't help but to too.

"Can I go with you? Please, please please?" Willow asks me, batting her eyes and puffing out her bottom lip.

I nod, "Of course you can, baby. I want you and Daddy to both go." I say truthfully.

I want them both there every time if they can.

Peeta squeezes my hand.

"Yay!" Willow cheers.

I laugh, "Are you excited?"

"Yeah! That means I'm gonna have a little baby like Carter does!"

"Yep, a brother or a sister." I tell her.

She sighs, "But how do you know?"

I shrug, "We won't know for awhile." I tell her and she frowns.

Patience is probably going to be the hardest thing about this for all three of us.

"And Willow, when you go to school, you can't tell anyone that Mommy is gonna have a baby." Peeta tells her and I nod.

She frowns, "Not even Bristle?"

"No. Not Bristol either. We will tell her when we want to but not for a while."

"Why can't we tell no one? It'll make everyone happy." She says.

"Because we don't want anyone to know but you and me and Mommy yet. We will tell them eventually." Peeta says.

"Okay." Willow sighs.

"We will tell them when we think it's time but you can't tell anyone no matter what, okay?" I tell her.

Peeta and I don't want anyone to know for quite awhile because anything could happen. Heaven forbid I lose it or something but it also gives us some more privacy for awhile.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now