"Something's wrong," one said.

Dr. Tsing fumbled for her radio. "Containment breach, level five." A few of the guards dropped.

Kids from the dorm started running towards me. "Keep going!" I told them. "Get to the mess hall! Grab all the weapons you can!" Kids ran by, picking up guns off the fallen guards. Dr. Tsing crawled towards the elevator.

I lunged for it, but Jasper was there first. He stuck his arm in-between the doors and they opened. "You can't do this," she said. Her skin was beginning to melt off.

"I hope you know you're very special to us," he said. She screamed and then fell silent. I turned away, not wanting to look at what was left of her.

"Come on," I said. "We've got to get everyone ready to fight." I ran towards the mess hall with everyone else on my heels. Most of the kids were already working, digging through drawers for knives, or moving large furniture towards the doors.

"Monty, get these doors shut!" I told him. He nodded and started working on the control panel. "Miller and Jasper, move the dining tables in front of the door, set up a barricade. We have the level for now, but don't think we've won yet!" I called to everyone else. Fox knocked out a camera. "Good, get the hallway cameras."

"No, leave them, we could use the eyes out here," Monty said. "Shauna, can you set that up?"

She smiled at him. "You got it."

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A few hours passed with no trouble from the Mountain Men. Then there was an explosion. "They're here!" Shauna shouted, looking up from her tablet.

"You were right," Monty said, looking at the screen. "No guns."

"Some of them aren't wearing hazmat suits," she said confused.

I looked between Monty and Jasper. "They're cured."

The Mountain Men knocked in the door and then threw a few smoke bombs over. "Get those in the vases!" I called quietly. Fox ran towards them with two vases of water. "Careful, stay away from the smoke!" She covered her face and grabbed them. "Everyone get down, you know the plan."

Once Fox had neutralized the gas bombs, I motioned her to the back of the room. We all lay down, pretending to be knocked out. The guards knocked down our barricade and walked into the room, looking us over.

I heard someone reach into the vase that was next to me and pull out the bomb. I jumped up, swinging my knife. It sliced the guard across the shoulder. The others followed my lead; guards were dropping left and right. We weren't messing around anymore. This was life or death.

"Retreat!" One of the guards yelled. The remaining guards fell back. I turned to our group, triumphant, and then I heard a scream.

"They took Fox," Shauna shouted.

Jasper ran towards the door, but I grabbed his arm. "We can't."

"I told her...I told her everything was going to be okay."

"We'll get her back," I told him. "But we can't do that with a target on our backs."

"We're going to need a lot more than a little water and four guns," Miller said. "They're going to come in hotter next time."

I nodded. "I know."

One of the walkie-talkies beeped. I picked it up. "This is President Wallace, speaking to the people who just killed ten of my men." Shauna and Monty ran towards me with the tablet. Jasper and I looked at it; Maya was standing in the hallway in a HAZMAT suit. "We thought we'd try something a little different. Maya has twenty minutes of oxygen in her suit. Either you turn yourselves in, or she suffocates."

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