Chapter Eleven: Don't let me go, 'cause I'm tired of feeling alone

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Don't let me go, 'cause I'm tired of feeling alone

I groaned lightly, feeling a gentle touch on my shoulder trying to wake me up. My eyes flutter open, feeling a deep chuckle vibrate from underneath me. I jumped, realizing I was sprawled all over Harry's body. I attempted to push my self off by placing my hands of his chest, until he interfered by grasping on why wrists and helped me up.

"I-I'm sorry." I flushed, realizing he must have been awake for a long time, just couldn't get out of bed because of me. I stumbled out of bed, receiving yet another laugh coming from a shirtless Harry on my bed.

Wait... I certainly remember him going to bed with a shirt. When did he even have time to take it off? Was he up all night to some point while I continued sleeping? Oh God, I don't even want to think about it...

"Don't be." He winked, making my knees buckle. He got up slowly, resting on his elbows as he continued gazing at me, scanning my body slowly until he locked with my eyes. My eyebrows fell into a slight frown, not very keen with him staring at my body like that. But it also made me blush, seeing him smirk afterwards. Almost satisfied with what he sees.

I looked around, trying to avoid eye contact. I looked at anything I could set my stare to. My phone, his shirt thrown effortlessly on the chair, the clock.... I gasped, realizing the time.

"We're late!" As I rushed to my closet, trying to pick out anything decent to wear for work, Harry decided to just stay where he was, bringing his arms up to behind his head. I arched a brow at him, how can he be so calm at the moment?

"Harry." I snapped, turning my full attention to him as he peeked with one eye at me, quickly closing it afterwards.

"Didn't you hear me? We're late!" I repeated, in vain. A few seconds later, he decides to shift, sitting at the edge of the bed while stretching his arms in the air.

"What happened to your shirt?" I couldn't help but ask. Picking up an outfit, I held it close, turning back to him. He smirked, noticing I stared at his muscular torso.

"It was too hot so I took it off last night." He explained, showing his dimples as he grinned, walking over to me.

My heart was in my throat, eagerly trying to escape my body. My grip grew harder on the clothes in my hands, decreasing the distance with my chest with them. Only inches away, he smiled cheekily, not moving his eyes of mine as he took his shirt from the chair beside me. I released the air I didn't even know I was holding when he turned away, pulling the shirt over his head before he adjusted his dark chess nut curls on the side. The suns light peeking up on half of him, all sorts of valers appeared. I swear, he looked like an angel from where I was standing.

"I need to change." I warned him, but all he did was smirk halfway.

"Go ahead." He didn't move from his position, making me frown.

"Leave, Harry." Harry listened to my suggestion, turning away and exiting my room after he released a disappointed sigh. He did it on purpose, though. I could hear the annoyance in his voice as he did.


I locked up the door behind me as we left my apartment in a hurry. The formal speed walk to the elevator was pretty silent, only puffs of my hard breathing were hearable. Our hands brushed a couple of times on the way, when we stood in front of the elevator, waiting, he attempted to hold my little hand compared to his.

I felt a blush earring to come out with a light shade of red on my cheeks, pretending that nothing happened. It seemed the elevator wouldn't open for ages.

 But when it finally did, he released my hand from his. An older woman rushed out, making room for us to enter. Walking inside, I turned, finding Harry was still standing outside, checking the older brunette out. 

"Harry." I warned, making him turn his attention to me again before he walked inside.

This is ridiculous. How can he check other girls, or in this case women, out when we're already late for work? Not to mention while I'm here, right beside him as he does so. I shouldn't even be jealous. I'm not jealous. He's not even mine to possess. But I guess a part of me wishes he was.

Keep it together, Lily. I exhaled deeply, shutting my eyes close as I clearing my mind. Noticing my movement, Harry glanced at me with kind eyes filled with worry.

"You alright?" Not looking at him, I answered.

"Dandy." Shrugging it off, he then looked before him again. His lazy stare fell on his feet, looking like a lost puppy.

Turning my head slowly to him, I couldn't help but stare. He was handsome. I admit, I could stay this way forever, just looking at him. His features soft, eyes still sleepy, plum lips...Oh God please, let the doors open already.

Half smirking, he said not even looking at me.

"You're staring." I immediately turned away, feeling crimson as my cheeks got redder by the second.

"No I wasn't." Defending my state, I almost whispered.

"Yes, you kinda were." Harry now looked at me, making me more uncomfortable. Please, let the doors open!

And just like that, they did. But I wasn't going to let him win at this.

"In your dreams, rockstar." And just like that, I got out, not looking back while a shocked Harry was left in the elevator. Soon after he rejoined my side as we walked out of the building. Let's just say we were left quiet for the entire ride to the studio. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it's like we didn't need words to communicate. Basically, how I communicate with Draco.

Sort of.


So yesterday I wrote the other half of this chapter and it was amazing, but then chrome decided to crash like always and I felt like murdering anyone near me because I didn't save before it happened.

fu, seriously.

And when I rewrote it it's not half as good as it was, and trust me, there were /legendary/ quotes that I tried to recreate but failed. Kind of.

I've decided not to post any more chapters until I notice people actually reading it. So comment if you want more.

Oh, and I'm going to be moving this fic to my other account soon, so I might delete it here. Or maybe just leave it.

Anyways, that's all for now. Sorry for the late update and remember - comment/vote.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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