Kidnapped and Found 8 Years Later: Chapter 26

Start from the beginning

I sat patiently for hours waiting for the detectives to call me back. The more and more I waited felt like days were passing by until finally detective Arnold came to the door.

"Did you get anything?" I asked hoping something had come up.

"About a few years back, an older lady reported some strange behavior going on as she was walking past a house of another woman named Susan. She said she saw people running out of that house and into a red truck. This susan lady also has a son by the name of Frank who lives with her. We sent out detectives Carr and Brown to go check it out." The detective told me.

"Are they checking it out now?" I asked hoping so.

"Yes they are. I'm going to head on over there and I'll be back as soon as we get some information." The detective said as he headed for the door.

"Thank you so much." I cried.

I hated to wait any longer but I was glad to get another lead. My mom hasn't remembered much in so many years now. It's almost crazy that she would remember this. For her to remember something like this years after Rachelle's been missing must be some kind of sign. I know deep in my heart that something is going to come out of this. 

I suddenly got a sick feeling in my stomach and I immediately ran over to my mom's house to go check on her. I didn't even bother putting on shocks or shoes. I knew something wasn't right.

I ran into my mom's house without even knocking on the door. I cried at the sight. My mom was laying on the floor. I ran over and tried to wake her up but she didn't have a pulse. I called an ambulance and demanded they get here as soon as possible. I lay down on the floor next to her and cried. I couldn't loose my mom yet. I wans't ready.


Rachelle's Pov

So I'm laying here and in the pit of my stomach I just have a feeling that something awful has happened and that something good is going to come out of it. It's weird. It's like I'm almost having visions of something but I can't quite wrap my finger around it.

"Rachelle?" Sam walked in the garage with a tear falling from her eyes.

"Um what's wrong with you?" I asked kind of rudely but feeling bad.

"I'm leaving. Joe put his hands on me." Sam continued to cry.

"Why?" I asked in shock.

"We had an argument. I was trying to convince him to let you go because I wanted it to just be me and him. He got pissed and doesn't trust me now."

"That's terrible. Where's he at now?" I asked concerned.

"He got mad and left. Now's our chance to get the hell out of here. What do you say?" Sam was serious and I was shocked she was going to help me get out of here.

Sam and I made it to the door as Joe was walking in. He looked pissed that we were trying to escape. Sam and I looked at eachother in fear. We both knew that this wasn't going to turn out good.

"Lets go girls." Joe said as he grabbed both of us by the arm and dragged us towards the garage.

Joe pushed me into the garage. I fell and hit my head so I was knocked out for a few seconds. When I finally got back up I heard the door locking behind me.

Sam wasn't in the garage with me so I was worried what he was going to do to her. I know I don't like Sam and she's been terrible to me but nobody deserves to go through this. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, which is now Joe.

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