Kidnapped and Found 8 Years Later: Chapter 15

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Joe and I were sound asleep in bed until we heard a crash coming from the living room. Joe told me to wait in the bedroom so he could find out what was going on.

I could hear my heart beating faster and faster. Who could it be? Was it the cops coming for Joe and I? Or was it someone trying to rob us?

I didn't want to let Joe go out alone but I knew it would be better if I just stayed put.

I heard Joe yelling "What the hell do you think the two of you are doing coming in our house this time of night?". Right then and there I quickly ran out to the living room and saw Jenna and Bill stumbling around. It was obvious that they had been drinking.

"I'm suprised you had the balls to come back here after stealing my money.", I yelled at the two drunken idiots standing in front of me.

"What are you talking about? We didn't take any money.", Jenna said as clearly as she could.

"And if we did take money off of you, do you really think we would be stupid enough to come back here?", Bill asked.

"Then where the hell did my money go? It doesn't just dissappear.", I yelled, not believing a word they said.

"Maybe you just misplaced it." Jenna said before hitting the floor.

"Is she alright" Joe asked.

Bill tried everything he could to wake Jenna up, but whatever he was doing wasn't working out to well so that's when I decided to walk into the kitchen, grab a cup of water and dump it all over her.

Jenna woke up after cold water hitting her. The first words that came out of her mouth were, "What happened?".

I knew talking to these idiots while they were drunk wouldn't get me anywhere so Joe and I helped them to the bedroom we were letting them stay in. I decided I would just talk to them in the morning when they could understand the words coming out of my mouth.

After helping them into bed, Joe walked to Wal-Mart to get a lock. When Joe came back we put the lock outside of Jenna and Bill's door so that they couldn't escape before we woke up.

There was no way I was going to let them get away with stealing my money.

* * *

Joe was suppose to have off work today but his boss called him in anyway. I was a little dissapointed he wouldn't be able to confront Jenna and Bill with me but in a way I was kind of glad to.

When Joe left for work, I decided to get up and clean around the house until the annoying couple woke up.

After I was done cleaning, I sat down to catch up on some of my shows. 

During one of my shows, I heard someone trying to open the door and when they realized they couldn't get out, they started pounding and screaming.

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