Chapter 9

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"Reece?" I heard. I was awake, just sitting on my bed under the covers with my phone. A/N we've all done it before haha.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Come down for breakfast," they said.

"Oh ok."

I waited a couple seconds, just sitting there. It was my first breakfast and I was (s)nervous. A/N Did anyone get that? Stupid thing to be nervous about, but still. What if I fell flat on my face? What if aliens abducted me? Well maybe not the alien thing, but come on, if I can control shadows there can be more life in the universe.

After getting ready I started heading downstairs. "Oh Reece, I was starting to think your weren't going to come down," the professor said. I had no idea how to answer that.

"Cool," I said. Well, already made a fool of myself. I wish I could could just go back to the room and on my phone. Yeah maybe that will be better.

I looked down at the food on my plate. Sausages and eggs, great. "Is something wrong with the food?" I heard.

"No, not at all," actually there was. I really didn't like sausages for breakfast. Don't ask why. But I ate the food anyways, I didn't want to seem rude.

After about five minutes of just sitting there and awkwardly eating someone broke the silence. "We are going to just be looking at what you can do," the professor said. That made me nervous. What if I did something wrong? "There is nothing to worry about Reece," the professor said once again. That didn't really help me feel much better though.


They said to wear something that I was comfortable and could move around in. I wasn't sure weather they meant actually sporting clothes, but I just wore sweats. The room that I was instructed to go to was huge! Like what you think is big times about one hundred! I walked in unsure. The room was filled with many people. Some with different colored skins, hair, everything that you could think of. "Reece, you're here," the professor continued, "let's start immediately."

"Oh, okay," I said. I wasn't ready for this. Not at all.

"Reece, you know people were making a big deal about you. Saying you didn't want to go to the institute. That's a first you know," a boy said. He couldn't have been older than me. What was he doing? Everyone in the room had made a space around us.

He put his hands up. Fire suddenly surrounded both of us. My god they expected me to fight him!

"Come on Reece, show us what you are made of," he said. With every word the fire surrounding us became closer and closer. I didn't know what to do. This was a test to see what I could do, so I just had to use my powers. Simple. I practiced my powers plenty of times while I stayed at my home. Not like I just sat around with my "abilites" not doing anything.

Okay Reece, I coached myself. I just did what I did at home. Raising my arms I started controlling the shadows all around the room. Thankfully there were a lot of shadows, everywhere. I could feel the power. Pulsing through my veins was the darkness that came with using my powers.

I could feel the boy's fear. He had no idea what to do. My shadows were overpowering his fire and they were coming strong. "Are you scared?" I asked. It didn't sound like my voice. It was like I wasn't really in my body anymore. It was like myself, but another version of myself. I don't really know how to explain how I felt. Almost as if I were the puppet and someone else was the controller. I was there physically, but not mentally. The shadows got closer and closer to him. Surrounding him. Soon close to swallowing him into the darkness whole. His screams must have made me come back into reality.

Coming to my senses I stopped the shadows. I could almost hear the shadows' complaints, sad they weren't able to kill someone. The shadows were like a dark side of me. While everyone else was given amazing abilities to control fire, teleport, I was given a curse.

"What a freak!" He screamed. Ouch that hurt. Who would've known that I would be the freak of freaks? Huh, so much of this place helping me.

Chapter 9 is now done!

Hope you guys liked it anyways, whoever is still reading. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't many considering how bad I am with updating, but hey at least I did. Also I hope that you guys have a Merry Christmas! I am so thankful for everyone who has been voting and commenting, it means the WORLD to me. Really. Uhm, what else? My birthday is coming up in January, so that's cool. And does anybody want to read my other books? I have a Heroes one and then a Fairy Tail one. And I think that is it. WAIT NO IT ISNT! HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN WATCHING ZOELLA'S VLOGMAS 2015 AND 24 DAYS OF ZOELLA?! I am so sad that it is going to be over in a few days :( Okay, now I'm done.


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