New Years Day, and Presents I Love

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Ok, so the New Years Day story for @OfficiallyAFangirl15

On new years day, me and my twin go downstairs to see cards laid down on the table. There are about 5 for each of us. We open the cards, and we find who they are from, and most of them have money in them. We go out and spend the money a few days later.

Our parents also take us places for our birthday. Last year, it saw Winter Wonderland. (If you don't know that place you are missing out!) This year, they are taking us swimming and to the Harvesters near us. I wish that my best friend @OfficiallyAFangirl could come, but my mom won't let us take her because of a recent falling out we had. I shall pray every night that she may cone, even if it is with her family rather than me and my sister. It would still be a pleasure to see her there. Or even just get a text from her.

22 days to go.

I'm getting excited!!! I've chosen some clothes from Sorayas (Plz don't sue me Sorayas. Your clothes are AMAZING and I am just saying I bought from your shop). They are AMAZING!!! I am also getting a gift from my sister and she is getting me a gift. I don't know what she is getting me, but I know what I'm getting her. I can't say though, just in case she reads this.

I'm also gonna say what presents I love that I have had.

My light up keyboard
My puzzles
My 3DS
My iPod
My laptop
My maze ball
My TV in my bedroom
My PS3
My Wii
My games
Having my family there

And that I think is it.


One more that may sound cheesy.
The one thing I couldn't live without

My twin sister @Lishy_Loves_Magcon.

Go and follow her and @OfficiallyAFangirl15. Both are AMAZING people and it would help them out.

I may have lied about the votes and comments, but this won't be very popular for a bit.

Next is my reactions received/given

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