12] Chapter Twelve

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"Emily?" I question, it couldn't be here, I was five years old at the time and me and Liam and Emily were playing in the back garden when we heard growling in a second flat mum and dad were out the doors and shifting into there wolf form but they had already taken Emily, she's my other sister, me and Liam aren't twins.. were triplets.

Mum and Dad looked for her, I know they still do they never lose hope, they might seem like they've moved on but they haven't, there still out looking for her even if they don't talk about her.

I guess it was there way of coping to not speak about it, to not get us worried but we did, I guess it kind of slips a small childs mind but it was still there, I remembered that day clearer than ever now seeing her standing right infront of me.

"Why do you-you look so m-much like m-me?" she stammers, I could only give her a small smile, then I realised she was waiting for an answer.. "I.. um, well you see I was kidnapped with my son" well that sounded great didn't it I sounded like a completed idiot, who says that "Sorry.. I guess I have to explain some things" I smile at her.

I have found my sister.

Liam and I weren't just twins, we were triplets and Emily was our long lost sister tha was taken by rogues now I've found her because I've also been kidnapped.

She's been living with rogues all her life she probably thought of them as family, would she even remember any of us.

"Hunter why don't you go and see Sam" I know he kidnapped us but I could trust him with my child, don't ask me why I just could, he didn't seem that bad after talking to him. "This is going to sound crazy but I'm your sister, you see the thing is when we were five we were playing the garden with our brother Liam, were triplets" I send her a smile before continuing.

"Then these rogues appeared and before mum and dad could do anything they took you, leaving me and Liam, we didn't understand what happened but mum and dad always look for you, even now they do, they act like there okay but there not, they want there daughter back, they wouldn't talk about you because they found it a way of dealing with what happened but there still looking for you"

Then she done the most unexpected thing she flung herself at me and hugged me tightly "I remember, not clearly but I remember bits and pieces of that day, I always dream of it, of you lot but I didn't think it was real" she said her eyes full of tears.

"Oh thank god I thought you were going to laugh in my face" I laugh wiping my own tears away and hug her tighter to me.

"Wait so who is that little boy?" she questions, a small smile sitll on her lips "Oh, Hunter, his my son, your an auntie" I grin at her, she looked so happy, then I heard growling and I was pulled away from Emily by some guy and he was standing infront of her protectively, I was only giving her a hug when I realised he must be her mate.

I couldn't help but grin knowing she found her mate "Jackson, stop it, she's fine"

"She was hurting you" he growled, obviously angered by me, I could only roll my eyes but the smile was still on my face.

I watch as Emily rolls her eyes and she was still smiling also "She was hugging me you idiot and she's allowed to, she's my sister the one from my dream, she explained to me about what happened that day, when they took me" she explains to him.

"She could be lying" he stated.

"Look at the both of us, we look exactly alike and we also have a brother, were triplets, when we were five rogues took her and now sixteen years later I've found her, or rather she's found me" I roll my eyes.

His mouth formed an 'O' shape but he didn't say anything, turning to Emily I ask her "So how long have you known eachother?"

Emily then smiles, a dreamy like smile "Only a year, he wasn't kidnapped he stumbled across when he was running from his pack which was destroyed they were going to kill him but when I looked into his eyes, I knew he was my mate"

"Awww thats so cute" I giggle, I felt alright being kidnapped and I just found my long lost sister and I'm acting as if it's nothing I must of gone mad or too happy to care about anything. "So what about Hunter's father?"

Then my smile was wiped off my face "Yeah, we met when we were sixteen but he didn't want me or reject me, when we were in heat to put in blunty we had sex and one day when I found out I was pregnant the pack was attacked by rogues but he didn't come back but I knew he wasn't dead"

"That's horrible"

"He wanted a normal life so I never got the chance to tell him he was going to be a father, he was gone for five years and all of a sudden he comes back with a woman in his arms and a little girl, now I know it's Sam's child and mate but they married eachother, I tried to convince him not to, but he said he knew Maya wasn't his and that he loved her" I cried, the emotions all coming out.

"Then Sam told me it was because Christie got a witch to cast a spell on him to make him fall in love with her, she lied to everyone, he was the last person to see me and Hunter get kidnapped, he tried to save us but was attacked by a couple other wolfs, now I don't know if his okay or if his looking for us like he doesn't care about us" I couldn't stop crying.

"I never really liked that bitch" she giggled "She's too rude to everyone and thinks she rules them" rolling her eyes "I heard about her daughter, Maya? Yeah I feel bad for Sam, he seems to be this big bad wolf, but he just wants his mate and for his child to be okay"

Maybe we could get Maya to Sam and he could finally have his daughter but I doubt he would want his mate.

I spent the whole day talking to Emily and her mate whilst I watched Hunter play I knew he missed his friends and even if he wasn't angry at me, he was angry at his father, and even through everything I don't want him to hate his father, I know I'm pathetic.

I did think about Jake and wondered what he was doing, he saw me and Hunter being taken by rogues, sure we weren't exactly in danger, to be honest it felt like I was in paradise, it didn't feel like I was kidnapped at all, they really bad at this.

"Sam said you could go home right?" Emily has asked.

I shrug "He said he would take me back if I wanted to go but I'm not sure yet, why?"

"I just think it would be great to see my parents for the first time in over a decade"

"Sam!" a man suddenly came running ourt and was shouting out his name, his name was Reece if i remembered correctly, he was running to him Sam, "Sam! Christie is here and she's brang Maya but she's not alone"

A few seconds later and I saw him, saw who I never wanted to see again, my mate, but I was happy to see my brother.

Jake's eyes suddenly looked around and when he spotted me, he froze in his steps and just stood there staring at me, he looked relieved and he looked confused, he also looked angry, at me I do not know.

"Who's that?" Emily questioned from behind me, even though I was still in shock I answered her with "My mate and our brother"

I know this chapter is also short but two updates in under 24 hours makes up for it, I just wanted to give you this chapter! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and comment below and tell me what you think!

Two and a half men is hilarious I am in love with the show.. comedy central!! :D

Remember The Baby Deal Chapter 2 will be uploaded later today! (:

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