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All I could feel was pain and my wolf going crazy wanting to take control of my body but with little strength I had left I managed to stop that from happening, finally opening my eyes slowly but quickly shutting them again, the bright light was too much. I let out a groan before I tried again this time opening them slowly so my eyes could adjust to my surroundings.

I was in a bed, but not in my room, and it took a few seconds for me to realise I was in a hospital bed, but why, what the hell even happened?

Then it hit me, the rogue attack, I was helping fight against the rogues, when suddenly I was cornered by a few, one came from behind me, biting into my side and all of a sudden I was thrown against a tree, fast and hard I didn't even have time to blink. I vaguely remember he had appeared out of nowhere, pouncing on the one rogue who attacked me but then I blacked out.

But where was he now? Where was my mate?


My wolf whined out again, leaving a heavy feeling in my chest, and my heart started racing, within seconds two pack doctors came running into the room but I couldn't hear them.

Then everything went dark again.

It was dark now the next time I woke up, this time I didn't do anything but stare at the ceiling above me, until a doctor came to check on me. "You are awake" she flashed me a small smile as she started approaching the bed, "How are you feeling now?" she asked softly.

It took me a little while before I answered, "Bruised" was all I said to which she nodded in understanding, she went about checking me over, "What happened?" I asked her. The doctor flashed me another sad smile before she answered, "Rogues. A pack of them actually, there wasn't much damage, but quite a few injuries..." she trailed off as if she didn't want finish what she was saying. She was silent for a moment before she looked at me again, "However, Jason, the Alpha's son has disappeared".

I felt my whole body go numb when those words left her lips, what does she mean he just disappeared!?

"Do.. do they think he is dead?" I whispered, I could feel the urge to cry but I pushed it down as I waited for her response. She shook her head, "Luna Alice, she says she still feels a connection, he is alive but they don't know where he is" I felt my body relax just slightly knowing he wasn't dead.

"They have a search out for him as we speak" it was silent then she spoke again, "Harper, there is something else, but this is to do with you" she said making my attention snap back towards her.

"You are pregnant Harper"

It's been a few weeks since I woke up in the hospital bed, since he disappeared without a trace and still no one had any idea where he was and since I found out I am pregnant. In these past few weeks, I've helped look after a lot of the young pups due to reconstruction of many buildings that had been attacked and the more I was around the young kids, the more I was excited about having my own baby.

I kept pushing the thoughts of Jason outside of my head, the thought of him not being here, not knowing where he was, that he wasn't going to meet our pup killed me. Although I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been there for me and the baby even if he hadn't disappeared, I should probably explain the situation more.

It was about two weeks before the attack, I had just turned eighteen and found out Jason, future Alpha of the pack was my mate, it honestly seemed like a fairytale, the moment our eyes connected, the way his lips felt on mine, the way we touched each other, how our bodies moved together as we made love for the first time and then that fairytale moment was gone. The next morning I woke up alone in bed, I thought maybe he was going to come back when suddenly I saw the piece of paper on the bedside table with my name on it.


Last night was fun, but I don't want a mate. Don't tell anyone about this, about us.


That was the day I got my heart broken, yet it doesn't technically count as a rejection, due to the words not being physically spoken which meant if there was a day when he would return, our connection would still be there.

I pushed these thoughts out of my head as I arrived at my parents house, my mum pulled me in her arms for a bear hug, whilst my dad smiled and kissed me on the top of my head. "Sweetheart, how are you feeling?" he asked as we went into the living room. Now all I felt was nervous as I sat in front of my parents, this was the moment I was going to tell them they were going to be grandparents, "I'm fine dad, the doctor's said everything is fine, um, but I do have some news" I smiled weakly.

My parents continued to stare at me waiting for me to continue, well that's awkward, "Ok, well um, mum, dad, I'm pregnant" and then all hell broke lose, only kidding, they of course had a few questions, the most important one, who is the father but I decided to keep that information to myself, other than that they both seemed genuinely happy to be grandparents.

When I told my twin brother he was going to be an uncle, all he was excited about was being the 'cool' uncle which pretty much sums up my brother.

Within the first few months, I had packed up all my things and moved out of my parents home and into my own small apartment which would be enough room for both me and my little pup. I had started working as the assistant to the Alpha, not like the beta but more in the office type sense, managing which other packs he was going to, functions, fight practice, etc. Although I'm pretty sure he only gave me the job due to him being best friends with my dad, who is in fact the Beta of the pack, but it meant enough money to pay the rent, get ready for the arrival of the baby and to live a little comfortably.

"Oh" I said my eyes widening, then a few seconds later a wave of pain went through my whole body and then I felt the wetness of my waters breaking.

Pup is coming, pup is coming

I slowly pushed myself up from my chair, grabbing my bag I made pressed the button to connect me to Alpha Harry, "I'm sorry to bother you Alpha" was all I was able to say when I was hit with another wave of pain, I took a deep breath before speaking again, "I have to leave now, um, my waters just broke" and within seconds his door opened, his own eyes wide. "Alice!" he shouted.

If I wasn't pregnant and about to give birth I would have laughed at his reaction, but all I could think about was getting to the pack doctor, and giving birth to my baby. I couldn't help but think it's ironic that Jason wasn't here but his own parents, who didn't even know the baby was their grandchild were here for me right now.

Luna Alice helped me out of the pack house, the Alpha following behind us carrying my hospital bag, "I've called your parents, they are going to meet us at the hospital" I could only nod.

After a few hours, my little pup had arrived, I couldn't take my eyes off of him, he was finally here and in my arms and he looked so incredibly beautiful. "He looks so handsome Harper, you did well" mum smiled brushing the hair out of my face. I couldn't agree more.

"Yeah he is, do you want to hold him?"

"Did you pick a name?" my mum questioned looking down at her grandson.

I nodded, "His name is Hunter, Hunter James"

A perfect name for my perfect little boy.

The prologue is now completed and edited.

There has been a lot of changes to this already and there is only going to be more which is really exciting.

I hope you liked it, leave a comment, vote, add to your library and even drop me a follow if you liked it that much.

Happy reading

- Laura x

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