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"Toothless?" A small raspy voice came from behind Toothless. Toothless's ears pricked forward and his whole being came back together. He swung around to see Azzurri trying to stand!
"Azzurri! Your alive! I thought.......I thought I had lost you.....forever." Toothless ran over to Azzurri and nudged her gently.
"You thought I was dead? Don't you know that Night Fury's can stop breathing for five minutes and still be alive?" Azzurri gave a small chuckle at Toothless's astonished face.
"Really? I....I never knew that. Umm......we should get you back to Berk and give you a check over." Toothless started to walk in the direction of Berk. Azzurri smirked and ran past him, accidentally stumbling over one of the dead Vikings. She stopped and stared at the face. Toothless watched her face and her body language. Does she know this Viking? She had seen and her family been killed by Drago Bloodvist. Toothless walked over and sniffed around for something. His nose came across a spare dagger. It had the symbol of Drago on it. He grabbed it and, after calling Azzurri, headed back to Berk by foot.

Hiccup and Astrid walked around sadly at the forge. Toothless's only hope of ever continuing the Night Fury line was gone. Gobber had overheard them talking about it and quickly told Stoick and Valka. Valka was horrified and new exactly what Toothless would be going through. As Gobber was leaving the Chiefs house Toothless walked past, and following him was an alive Azzurri!
"Azzurri is alive!!! Azzurri is alive!!!" He hollered out. Hiccup and Astrid heard him from the forge and ran out to see what was going on. Toothless bounced around in joy and called all the dragons to see his friend back to life. Azzurri was a little bashful and shy, so she kept hiding behind Toothless. Hiccup smiled and gave Toothless a hug. Azzurri approached and licked Hiccup's hand for the first time. Astrid smiled and melted herself into the crowd. However, Azzurri wouldn't have that. She bounded out and blocked Astrid's path.
"What's wrong?" Astrid stopped, moving her hand out to pat her. For the first time Azzurri nudged her nose against Astrid's hand. Silent gasps went around like wild fire.
"Azzurri. Astrid has her own dragon." Toothless warned her.
"I know. But Astrid is the only person I trust at the moment." Azzurri replied. Toothless turned to Hiccup and showed him the dagger.
"Drago! Here?" Hiccup panicked.
"Who?" Stoick walked next to Hiccup and looked at the dagger. He gasped and ran off somewhere, calling Gibber to come with him. Vikings melted away to do there own things, whilst Astrid was stuck with what to do with Azzurri. Stormfly called and Azzurri folled her into the air. The played around until they were tired.

It was a cold evening. Snow lightly fell through out the night. Nearly each house had smoke coming out from the roof and Vikings dressed in warm clothes. For most, it was a dreary night and next day. But for Azzurri, she was in her element! She pounced around and made piles of snow. Then she would back up and blast them everywhere. Toothless got a mouth full of snow when he happened to be yawning and walking past a snow pile. Azzurri was very apologetic but at the same time was laughing inside. Toothless smirked and swiped, with his tail, a large snow drift onto Azzurri. She gasped and coughed in annoyance. Terrible Terrors came and shot small fire blasts at the snow and wrestled each other. Vikings, slowly but surely, started to cheer up. But little did they realise that trouble was just lurking around the corner.

Toothless had left Azzurri to play around and went to check the Hanger. As the Alpha of dragons of Berk, he had his own jobs to do. As he was about to fly down into the Hanger, a distant scared and panicked voice came to him.
"Toothless! Hiccup! Do not return to the nest! I warn you, do not return! Death has arrived." Legend's great wise voice echoed into all the dragons mind. Hiccup came running to Toothless.
"What's going on? Why are all the dragons panicking?"
"Legend said to not return. Death has arrived."

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