Amusement Park part 2

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"I'll-" Jonghyun started until he was interrupted by

"I'LL RIDE WITH SANA!" Minho and Taemin cheered with smiles on their faces.

"Fine! Be disrespectful to you hyung." Jonghyun smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Rock paper scissors!" Taemin shouted.

"Rock papers scissors shoot!" both scissors.

"Rock papers scissors shoot!" both paper.

"Rock papers scissors shoot!" both rock.

"BRO!" I shouted, annoyed. Is this the only way Koreans settle things?

"Rock papers scissors shoot!" Taemin rock. Minho paper.

"HA! I WIN I RIDE WITH SANA HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Minho cheered happily.

"Aish, why do you have to be so competitive with everything?" Taemin said, with jealousy painted all over his face.

"Okay Yoogeun, who do you want to ride with?" Key asked.

"Onew appa!" he exclaimed. So cute!

"Who else do you want to ride with?"

"Taemin appa!" So Taemin walked over with Yoogeun, happier that he at least gets to ride with Yoogeun.

"Looks like me and Key are riding together." Jonghyun smirked to Key. (JongKey moment)

"Oh boy." I said.

"Yah! Don't do anything that'll get us attention okay?" Minho said to them.

"Yeah yeah, you do know that we're older than you right?" Jonghyun said to Minho.

"What ever."

Minho grabbed my hand and we walked to the ride, while everyone else trailed behind.

We got onto the first cart and the wheel rotated once, to let the others get on.

After about a two minutes, we were high enough to see a nice view.

"Wow. The view is so beautiful at night." I commented.

"Yeah. I don't get to go out at night a lot, so it's real nice to enjoy this sometimes." Minho replied. Then he yawned. He yawned a long one too.

"You're probably really tired from reading my story last night."

"Oh, that's nothing. I'm not that ...(yawn)... tired." Minho said. Then he slowly slumped down to get in a comfortable position. Looks like he's gonna sleep a bit. I don't blame him. He was up most of the night reading my book.

I stared through the metal fence into the stary sky. It was around six or seven. It was pretty cold since it was still winter, but the scenery was amazing.

"*sigh*" I sighed. Today was a great day.

My thoughts were slightly interrupted by a small weight accumulating on my shoulder. I looked over and Minho's head was leaning on me. OH MY GOSH!!! What is this!?!?! Minho leaning on MY shoulder!?!?!? The one and only MINHO ON ME OMG!!!! Hate me now shawols. You know what just hate me forever. Haha.

Since I wanted to, I put my head gently on Minho's head, which was resting on my shoulder. His hair was so soft it felt like pillow. Well, he doesn't dye his hair much as the others so...

I couldn't believe this. Minho was leaning on me. I wonder if he knows.

We slowly stopped at the very top of the Ferris wheel.

I was just about to close my eyes when a felt Minho's head jerk a bit. I sat back up and he did to. I couldn't tell if he was blushing or not since it was so dark.

"Oh-uh. Sorry, for uh- leaning on- uh you..." He said, nervously. Aigoo so cute

"Oh its fine! Really!" I said, making it sound like it wasn't a big deal at all, when really, I was internally freaking out. >_<

I looked up at the sky, which was visible through the metal fence around us. Minho followed my gaze into the sky. The stars slowly sparkled in the dark black sky. I could make a thousand pictures with the stars. There were so many! Then there was a star, a bright one that fell from the sky, down into the distance, never to be seen again.

"Look! A shooting star..." I said. Minho quickly looked towards it and saw a glimpse.

"Make a wish!" Minho said.

And so we did.

hello teenager - SHINee FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ