Chapter 3

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Camila was walking through the halls of Redland High School, if you could even call it walking. It was more of a hobble, her leg muscle contracted painfully with every step she took. Her face was twisted in discomfort, but she managed to get through it, and made her way into her favorite class; English.

She shared this class with Lauren, and of course the captain of the wresting team couldn't help but allow her cocky attitude and complete disrespect to women, make an appearance.

"I meant to tell you this yesterday Cabello, but nice ass," the boxer smirked, her green eyes filled with mischief, "mind if I take it for a whirl?" Lauren laughed lightly, but Camila was not amused.

Before Camila could say something in return, Mr. Stewart, their English teacher, entered the room. Camila and Lauren quickly took their seats, but Camila could practically feel Lauren's smirk from behind.

"Okay class," Mr. Stewart began, cutting off all the talking amongst the teenagers. "We have a new student today... So make Maia feel welcomed," Camila hadn't even taken notice to the girl standing at the front of the classroom, and wow. She was absolutely gorgeous.

The girl was average height, with brown straight hair that stopped just below her breast, her eyes were a light brown, she had a rounded nose, and full pink lips.

The girl waved timidly at the room full of people, a small smile gracing her lips. Mr. Stewart told her she could sit anywhere, and she shakily walked to the empty seat next to Camila's. "Can I sit here?" she questioned her nervously, and Camila just gave her a small nod.

Camila turned towards the girl giving her a large grin, "Hi, I'm Camila."

"Maia," the girl blushed, "but he already told you that," Camila found her shyness completely adorable. She was about to respond back to her, but Mr. Stewart began giving a lecture, well Camila would just have to talk to her after class.

Lauren's anger was at an all time high. It was currently lunch time, and the new girl Maia was sitting with Camila. It wouldn't be a problem if they were just chatting like normal friends, but Camila was literally laughing at every little thing the girl was saying, and she was giving her full on heart eyes, and it made Lauren's blood boil.

Who the fuck did this girl think she was? Making a move on her girl, well not her girl, but the girl that she wanted.

If only Lauren could get this girl into the ring with her she would beat the shit out of her. Camila's beautiful laughter was the only thing that Lauren could hear, and it filled her with jealousy.

How could this girl just waltz right in here, and make Camila laugh like she invented fucking jokes? Lauren has never been the cause of Camila's laughter.

"Easy there killer, what did that fork ever do to you?" Hailee giggled out from beside Lauren.

Lauren had been bending her plastic fork for the past couple of minutes, and it was near breaking. The girl quickly released her grasp on the utensil, dropping it into her uneaten salad.

"Nothing, but that girl is about to get her ass beat," Lauren growled, never taking her eyes away from the duo.

Hailee followed Lauren's line of sight, and she just giggled at the realization of what had Lauren's spandex in a bunch. Lauren had always been a hot tempered girl, and she didn't like anybody messing with what she considered hers, even if wasn't necessarily hers.

"Maybe you should make a move," Hailee said.

"She doesn't want me."

"Make her."

"And how do I do that?" Lauren groaned, picking up her fork, and stabbing at her salad, which didn't work very well considering her fork was basically fucked.

"Hmm... I don't know Lauren, how about not only making comments about wanting to get into her pants? How about getting to know her? How about talking to her like she's an equal and not a fucktoy?" Hailee said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lauren had a very small coterie, consisting of Hailee, Dinah, and Joseph. The four of them were very exclusive, and also very close. But the benefit of having a small group of friends like that is that they always called Lauren out on her shit. So she knew that Hailee was being completely truthful with her.

Lauren reflected on how she she spoke to Camila, and was kind of appalled by her own ill mannered way of speaking to the younger girl. She had called her so many derogatory terms, and cat-called her more times than she could even count.

"You're right," Lauren sighed, having a complete revelation of how poorly she had treated the younger girl. Lauren was never good with feelings, not ever since her last relationship went to shambles, and hurt her pretty deeply. She was so in love with the girl, and was completely torn to pieces with the way things ended. Lauren was closed off for months, and her friends were very worried about her.

This happened a couple of years ago, around the time Lauren was 15. Despite her being so young, her relationship had developed pretty strong feelings, well on her side anyways. Lauren turned to the gym, it being the only place she felt comfortable being herself. She let out all of her anger, pain, and frustration on the bags, and just fell in love all over again, but with the sport.

After she learned how to channel all of her emotions into fighting, she had never felt better about herself. Lauren was back to her old self by the time she won her first fight, and her friend hoped to never see her in that state again.

"I have been awful to her," Hailee hummed in agreement and Lauren glanced back over to where the Australian was making funny faces, and Camila was clutching her side, small tears making their way down her face. Lauren's heart clenched forcefully in her chest. "I have to make it up to her."

AN:// I decided that after every 75-100 views and at least 5 comments I will post a new chapter. I sound like a bitch probably but I don't like feeling like I'm just writing to no one, even if I enjoy doing the act, I could keep it to myself if no one is enjoying it. But lots of love to those who do read, vote and comment, you guys are the best!


if you guys are wondering why I haven't updated in over 5 days it's because I haven't reached that 5 comment quota *insert eye emoji*

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