Every Word Will Shape Me ~ Shannon (FINAL)

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I stood up, a grin plastered on my face. Clapping along with the other people around me, I felt a warm feeling inside of me. I'm pretty sure Amber was crying next to me. Jordan put his arm around her, Bryan shouting "GET SOME, JEYDON!" beside me.

I watched Cathie and Jeydon kiss, sealing their vows. A cheer erupted from everyone around me and I joined in. Cathie looked over, her eyes shining and the biggest grin on her face. Her black wedding dress matched Jeydon's suit. They ran back down the aisle toward the eight of us waiting.

"Amber," Cathie said, turning to her best friend. Amber smiled at her, waiting for her to continue. "Thank you for dragging me along on that trip."

Amber laughed and hugged Cathie. She hugged back and Jeydon fist-bumped with Kyle.

"Yo, bro, thanks for the help," Jeydon said in a surfer voice.

"No broblem, bro," Kyle replied with a sarcastic wink.

Everyone laughed and another girl around the age of 20 ran up, her hair dyed and her eyes sparkling. She nodded to us before grabbing Kyle's hand.

"Come on, let's dance!" She squealed as Drown played around the park area.

Kyle glanced at us. "Okay, Meg."

I gave him a thumbs-up as his girlfriend, Meghan, dragged him to where the other couples were dancing. Turning back to Cathie and Jeydon, I shook my head happily.

"When I first joined this collab channel and when I first saw Cathie and Amber walk in, I never thought it would lead to this," I exclaimed.

"Yeah. Crazy how things turn out," Bryan said, smiling down at the daughter he had adopted.

She blinked up at him with her wide, doe-like eyes. She reminded me of Tony Perry. "Daddy, is there any food? I'm hungy!"

"You're hungy?" He asked with a chuckle. Forcing back a giggle, I watched as he held her tiny little hand. "Come along, Dani. Let's mooch off of Aunt Cathie and Uncle Jeydon."

Johnnie shook his head. "Remember when he would be throwing dildos at us and making us do sexual role plays?"

"Wonder how Dani's going to react to that," Amber mused.

We all walked away from the wedding venue. Jordan's arm was around Amber and Johnnie and Alex were sharing a kiss. I blew the hair out of my eyes and saw a kitten curled up under a bush. Frowning, I crouched down and reached out a finger.

The shivering kitten, terrified, ducked away from my finger. Its yellow eyes as wide as saucers and its tabby gray fur fluffed out, I couldn't help but feel sorry for it. I gently cupped my hands around it and lifted it up so the others could see. It mewed weakly, obviously terrified.

I scratched between its ears, attempting to calm it down.

Amber smiled, always loving cats. "Are you gonna keep it?"

"Of course. It obviously doesn't have a home." The kitten looked up at me, letting out a tiny mew and nuzzling in to my finger. "I'll name her Sam."

"It's so cute!" Jeydon cooed, tickling his finger over the kitten's nose.

Sam's nose wrinkled and she let out a tiny sneeze, falling down on my hand. I laughed, unable to handle the cuteness. I put the kitten in my purse, leaving it unzipped so it could breathe and poke its head out if it wanted to.

"Good thing I brought a purse for once," I commented and everyone around me nodded.

Looking over at the dance venue again, I saw Bryan, Allison, Kyle, and Meghan all heading back to us. It was weird to think about how three years ago, we had found Jordan again. It was even weirder to think about how five years ago, we though he had died.

I had felt so guilty when I found out that we had practically abandoned him after hearing they hadn't found his body. Glancing up again, I saw that everyone was gathered around me. I looked at Amber as she cleared his throat.

"I would like to...uh...announce something," She said looking nervous.

Everybody waited. Silence.


Going to steal Shannon's cat!" Amber finished.

Everyone laughed and we all went to enjoy the rest of the wedding. They had never been happier.

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