A Drunk Night ~ Johnnie

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It was a couple days after the Spin the Bottle video. After that, we got a sudden burst of subscribers and now we had over a million. We were going to record and post the Kohnnie kiss tomorrow, but meanwhile, we were having a party. Bryan had bought a frightening amount of alcohol and we were taking advantage of it.

Amber, Kyle, and Alex absolutely refused to drink. Jeydon, Cathie, and Jordan were slightly tipsy, but Bryan, Shannon, and I were full-blown drunk. I had no idea why Shannon was so drunk, since she would usually never drink. If she, by some miracle, did, it was never a lot, but I saw her glancing at Amber quite a few times as she drank.

I looked over at Amber, frowning slightly. I didn't know what to feel about her. I was still partially angry at her for interrupting my moment with Kyle, but I was also terrified of her telling everybody. I really hoped that once I fully slipped into intoxication that I wouldn't confront her, since the saying goes "a drunk man's actions are a sober man's thoughts." I shook it off and looked away, downing another shot.

We were also in a hotel with a bunch of drunk fans in the room. Honestly, I was too drunk to remember how that happened, but all seven of us plus Amber and Cathie were still here, so I wasn't complaining too much. I stumbled, almost tripping over some girl who was passed out on the floor. I glared at the girl before looking around the room.

In the corner, Jeydon and Jordan were downing shots, Cathie cheering them on. I guessed they wouldn't be just tipsy for long. Bryan was dancing with some fans and Alex, who was grimacing and obviously forced into it. Kyle and Amber were talking casually in the corner. I also saw Shannon heading toward them, looking very drunk and confident.

I narrowed my eyes, stumbling over to them as well. If Shannon was trying to get up on my man, I would show her who deserves Kyle. That person was, of course, me. But Shannon got there first, and she completely ignored Kyle.

"Hello," Shannon slurred, staring straight at Amber.

Amber turning to her, smiling politely. I guess she didn't really know Shannon that well yet. "Hi."

Shannon grabbed Amber's hand, causing Amber to blush and stare at Shannon in surprised silence. Shannon pulled Amber away into another corner, leaving Kyle and some drunk fans behind, and without a word began kissing Amber. I watched in amusement as Amber turned bright red, obviously unsure of what to do. I turned back to Kyle, who was awkwardly standing in the corner as girls cooed at him and pinched his cheeks.

"My Kylie," I slurred, pushing through the fans and wrapping my arms around him.

I giggled into his shirt, seeing him blush profusely. I heard the girls murmuring and going away, probably to dance or something. I looked up at him, still giggling.

"Um, Johnnie, you're really drunk," Kyle said, gently breaking us apart.

I pouted at him. "Sooo?"

Kyle raised an eyebrow at me and I pulled him towards me, pressing my lips to his. He was slightly shocked, and I heard Bryan yelling "GET SOME, JOHNNIE" from across the room, but my brain wasn't functioning properly. I felt Kyle's heart beat faster as I put my arms around his neck, and, eventually, he started moving his lips in sync with mine.

Various coos and screeches from the fangirls were directed toward us, but I couldn't really process it. Eventually, Kyle broke us apart. I pouted at him and tried to kiss him again, but Kyle put his hands on my shoulders.

"Johnnie, wait here," Kyle said softly.

I crossed my arms and watched as he pushed his way through the squealing fangirls and went to the small fridge in the hotel room, getting out a bottle of water and bringing it back to me. He forced it into my hands. "Drink it."

"I don't want tooooo," I whined.

"Johnnieeeeee," Kyle countered.

I sighed and, not wanting to, I started drinking it after struggling for at least five minutes trying to take off the cap. As I drank, I felt my brain slowly clearing up. I kept on drinking the water, watching as Kyle and Alex directed all of the fangirls out of the hotel room, leaving them in the hall to do their drunk things they would regret in the morning.

Once the fangirls were gone, I looked over at the corner where Shannon had been kissing Amber to see that Bryan had replaced Amber's spot.

"OOOH BRANNON IS REAL," I shouted, causing everyone to look at Bryan and Shannon making out.

Bryan and Shannon didn't even waver, they were probably too drunk to really do anything but make out. I giggled. I always knew Brannon was real. I glanced over to see Cathie, Jeydon, Kyle, and Alex talking. I noticed that Jeydon was very, very tipsy, slurring his words and occasionally stumbling and leaning on Cathie.

Hmm. That's new.

I glanced around, knowing that we were missing two people. Where were they? Had they been in the crowd of fangirls that Kyle and Alex had told to leave? But when my eyes fell on the balcony, I grinned, seeing them. Jordan was fully drunk, and he had his hands on Amber's hips and was looking down at her with a smirk, Amber's face extremely red. Poor Amber.

I looked back over at the group of four and saw they were all staring at Jordan and Amber as well. I looked back at them, curious to see where this would go. Jordan's eyes began flickering down to Amber's lips, and it seems like Amber noticed as well, because she got even redder (if that was even possible) and looked like she was going to panic. I couldn't help but feel bad for her, knowing she was too nice to reject him even though it was pretty clear she didn't want to kiss a drunk person.

Jordan pulled her even closer and Amber stared up at him helplessly, blushing harder than I've seen anyone blush. She would blush if anyone even looked at her, and that wasn't even an exaggeration. I couldn't even imagine how hot her cheeks must feel. I didn't even know it was humanly possible for someone to be that red. We all watched as Jordan began to lean in.

But, sadly, Kyle walked over to the glass sliding door and knocked on it loudly. Jordan startled, stumbling away from Amber as Kyle opened it. I saw Amber let out a shaky sigh of relief and she and Kyle exchanged a look. I narrowed my eyes, but it was only a "thank you" and "you're welcome" glance. Amber hurried into the hotel room, still blushing, and Jordan followed.

Amber went immediately to Cathie. Cathie grinned at her and ruffled her hair. "You're too nice for your own good. You could've just told him 'no.'"

"You know I can't do that," Amber replied quietly, blushing and looking at her feet.

After that, we settled down for the night. Honestly, I still wondered why we were at a hotel, but my mind was still fuzzy with the memories of tonight. I couldn't remember much, so I just gave up and went to bed.

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