Remember the Time ~ Cathie

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I jogged after Jeydon and Amber, feeling like an idiot in my skinny jeans. They were laughing as they beat me to the Transformers ride. Finally, they stopped at the Universal Express pass line and turned to look at me. I awkwardly waddled over.

"Thanks for waiting, guys," I said sarcastically.

"No problem," Jeydon replied with a wink.

We laughed and then turned to see the other five members of My Digital Escape following us with grins on their faces. We were at Universal Studios, two years after what happened to Jordan.

"Why are you so excited to go on this ride? You've never even seen Transformers," Shannon asked Amber.

"Yeah! Let's go to the Spider-Man ride at the other park!" Jeydon suggested excitedly.

Amber laughed and shook her head. "We'll do that after this and the Harry Potter rides."

Jeydon nodded and ran into the line.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Johnnie called.

Laughing, we all sprinted after Jeydon. Red alarms met us and TVs with transmissions from a bald guy, a guy with glasses, and an autobot called Wheelie ensued. We grabbed a pair of "Battle Glasses" and waited in the long line ahead of us.


Your bravery has saved the planet. Well done, freedom fighters.

"Fuck yeah, Optimus!" Bryan shouted.

We laughed and clapped as we passed Megatron's dead body, the red eyes dimming.

"That's a nice touch," Amber whispered to me. She's always paying attention to detail.

I nodded and we followed the others in to the sunlight, blinking furiously. Shannon says she comes here a lot, and I can see why. My little brother would be complaining about how there were too many simulators and not enough roller coasters.

I smiled to myself. It's just perfect.

"To Diagon Alley!" Amber cheered.

I smiled as we ran after her, the excited sparkle in her eyes something I hadn't seen in a while. After two years of bonding, she finally felt completely comfortable around MDE. And now she was expressing her nerdy love for Harry Potter. I rolled my eyes playfully as we passed the Knight Bus, Amber squealing about the detail.

We stepped up to a brick wall and walked around it to see a man-made hole in the wall. Amber's face immediately fell in awe as she stepped forward and stared at the sight in front of her. I was never a fan of Harry Potter, but I was in shock at all the detail put into this place that I assumed was Diagon Alley.

"They even put the dragon on the bank..." Amber said, as if in a daze.

Shannon laughed and grabbed her hand, pulling her forward happily. "Wanna go in the bank? The goblins are even more realistic."

"Yes!" Amber gasped, following Shannon through the tight crowd.

I exchanged a glance with Kyle and Johnnie before following them, pushing through the crowd.


We got off the Hogwarts Express, Amber still rambling on and on about how everything related to the series. I smiled to myself at how beautiful all this was. Universal did a good job. I took a bite out of the donut I had gotten at Lard Lad D'oh-nuts in the Simpsons zone.

"This is so...amazing!" Amber gasped as we passed Hedwig on the way out.

"Yeah. I was pretty dazed when I first came here, too," Shannon said with a smile, brushing her fingers over the 9 3/4 sign.

Amber opened her mouth to reply but somebody bumped in to her and, without apologizing, walked away. Amber turned and glared at the man with fluffy brown hair walking away.

"It's like we're invisible in this place," She grumbled.

"Didn't he look familiar?" Kyle asked with a frown.

I was as confused as Kyle. I could've sworn that big head of fluffy hair was Jordan's...but that couldn't be possible. He was reduced to ash in the fire. With a sigh, I shook my head.

"It can't be. He died in that fire," I replied.

Kyle didn't reply, instead walking over to a blonde girl who looked about 16 or 17. "Hey, what's your name?"

The girl glared at him warily. "Meghan."

Kyle smiled kindly. "You have very pretty eyes."

Meghan shifted uncomfortably. "Oh...thanks."

Kyle looked away at me, eyes wide and guilty. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I'll go now-"

"No, wait."

Kyle turned to look at Meghan, who had his phone and was entering her number in to a contact. She hit enter and handed Kyle his phone with a mischievous grin. "You forgot something."

Kyle smiled shyly. "Thanks."

He walked away with us and I glanced back at Meghan, who stared at us before turning back to the line that led in to Hogwarts. That must be the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey line.

Amber dragged us in to that one, too. Eventually, we had gone on all the Harry Potter rides and we were heading to the Spider-Man ride. Jeydon was practically dancing with excitement.

"I'm more excited than when I got Mokus!" He squealed as he hugged me in excitement.

I laughed and gently pushed him away. "Come on, Jeydon, we almost walked right past it."

He squealed again and sprinted in to the Express line. And, as usual, we followed him.


"Remember the time when you came here with Jordan?" Johnnie whispered quietly to Alex.

"Yeah...he would be so happy to be here."

She sounded sad. I glanced at Amber, but she was too busy arguing which ride was better with Bryan- Transformers or Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts.

"But he isn't. Let's enjoy this for him," Kyle's comforting voice said. I stole a glance back at them to see Alex looking down at the ground while Kyle comforted her and Johnnie had a hand on her shoulder.

I sighed and looked forward again as we got on to the water taxi. Today was fun, but it definitely would've been better with Jordan.

In the dark, I bumped into somebody. He turned around, his shape silhouetted in the night and his green eyes narrowed.

"Sorry," He said.

I couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. Before I could reply, he whipped around and sat down, lost in the crowd of other people waiting to get back to the hotel.

I bit my lip and glance at the others, who were finding their seats. That man did look familiar. I could feel it.

So last chapter everyone was commenting about how they didn't predict that and I may or may not have laughed at your pain BUT I'm sorry if it wasn't what you wanted or expected but my friend gave me a really good idea and I wanted to put it in the story

Also I'm sorry if you got confused during this chapter it's probably v bad bc I was just writing it while I was eating breakfast and I'm currently at Universal Studios and that's where the inspiration came from so if you don't know HP or the park you might be a bit confused

But anyway I hope you will have a good day

~Stay cloudy

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