Betrayal ~ Amber

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I just love Shannon with this hair so that's why it's above instead of her current hair. Also this is a shorter chapter oops :p anyway back to the story c:


I stared intently at Kyle with Cathie, Jordan, Jeydon, and Shannon by my side. After he had passed out, Jeydon had frantically called the hospital and now Kyle was out cold in the hospital bed in front of us. My hands were shaking. I felt like this was all my fault, but I didn't know why.

My thoughts cut off when his eyes slowly flickered open, red and tired. I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me, looking around at us, dazed. He wouldn't be up for long. His eyes landed on Shannon and his eyes hardened.

"You. Talk it out with Amber. Now," He ordered.

Shannon stared at him, shocked, before throwing a glare at me. "Why?"

But he had already passed out again, and I got that sinking feeling in my stomach. She scowled at me, looking at me as if I was road kill. I forced back tears. I really, really wanted to be friends with Shannon, but now she hated me. She grabbed my arm and stomped out of the hospital room, dragging me along with her. None of the others followed us.

She closed the door and when she did, she whipped around and glared at me. "This is all your fault."

"W-what?" I squeaked, surprised.

"I would've gone with him if you hadn't distracted me-" She stopped, wide-eyed, and seemed scared now.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Distracted you?"

She looked away, and her cheeks were tinted pink, which surprised me. "N-nevermind."

I stared at her in disbelief. Why was she mad at me and then suddenly all embarrassed and secretive? "Please tell me. I want to sort this out."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, which took me by surprise even more. "F-fine."

I waited, watching her, and she took a breath. Usually she was confident and joking around, this was way different from...well...Shannon. I never expected to see her like this.

"I've had a crush on you ever since I saw you. That's probably obvious, considering...what I did when..." She hesitated, "...I was drunk. When I saw you and Jordan when we were watching Titanic, I just...I couldn't watch, it hurt too much. I was too distracted by you two to follow Kyle."

I stared at her in disbelief. This was all about a little crush? I watched her, feeling butterflies erupting in my stomach. What was this? I knew I liked Jordan, a lot, and that we were, in a way, together now, but for some reason I felt like I was in middle school again with a guy telling he had a crush on me. I didn't say anything, just felt my cheeks heat up and my stomach twist.

"You're just...gorgeous." That took me by surprise, like, extremely. "Your beautiful hair, your perfect eyes that I get lost in.... You're so kind to everyone, and you're so adorable when you're blushing or when you're quiet out of shyness. You're perfect...and you can't be mine." I saw a tear fall down her cheek but she immediately wiped it away, and I felt something, deep inside, a wave of love that I thought I would only feel for Jordan.

What I did next shocked and terrified me. I stepped forward, closing the distance between us, and kissed her. I kissed Shannon. She tensed up, and at first I was terrified. Was everything she said a lie? But then she kissed back, and my heart sped up. After a few moments, she started to get excited, and she gently pushed me against the wall and I felt her tongue start to slither into my mouth.

I was surprised my heart was breaking out of my stomach and running away like Sonic screaming "GOTTA GO FAST." Her fingers ran through my hair, and that's when I heard a choking sound, of disbelief.

I broke away from Shannon and looked over to my left to see Jordan standing there with a frozen face. Hurt was plain in his eyes, and then he turned away and ran down the hospital halls, toward the stairs. I felt my heart drop and Shannon stepped away.

"Oh no..." She whispered, and she looked at me, terrified.

I felt anger stir up inside me. Not at Shannon, but at myself. It wasn't even her fault. I initiated the kiss, and then Jordan caught us. I ran after him and, to my relief, Shannon didn't follow. I chased him, dodging nurses and doctors who glared at us, some shouting at us to stop running.

Jordan flew down the stairs and I followed, my heart continuing to sink. I was so stupid. He leapt off the last five stairs and landed, stumbling a bit and almost falling, but he caught himself and left the hospital. And I followed him.

"Jordan-" I called out, but he stopped and turning around, tears in his eyes.

"Please, don't talk to me. I just...I can't..." He looked away, tears starting to fall, and started to run.

My eyes and legs burned as I stared after him, unable to run anymore. I watched as he retreated even farther into the parking lot, towards wherever our car was parked.

A single tear fell down my cheek and I whispered something that I knew wouldn't fix this, but had to be said.

"I'm sorry." 

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