The New Girls ~ Bryan

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Around twelve in the afternoon, there was a knock at the door. Johnnie stood up, but I got to the door before he could even move, so he sat back down with a sigh. I opened it to see Kyle, Jordan, and Jeydon standing there.

"Hey, guys. Kyle, Johnnie's on the couch," I said with a grin.

Kyle blushed slightly and rolled his eyes before going in, Jeydon following him. However, Jordan stayed where he was and when I turned to look at him, I realized there were two other girls standing there with him. One had black hair and the other had brown hair with natural auburn highlights. The one with the black hair looked me in the eyes confidently, her green eyes sparkling with pity, which I guess was meant for Jeydon. The other girl avoided my gaze, but she had blue-gray eyes.

"Are these the 'new friends' you were talking about?" I asked.

"Yes. This is Cathie," He nodded to the green-eyed girl, "And this is Amber."

He put his hand on Amber's shoulder and smiled hopefully at me. I noticed a slight blush trace through Amber's cheeks.

"Ooh, the shy girl seems into you," I pointed out with a grin.

She blushed harder and stared at me in silence while Jordan glared at me. "She just blushes easily, that's all. Just like Shannon  blushes easily around you."

I stopped, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Whatever. Just get inside before the neighbors wonder what's going on."

Jordan and Amber walked in first but Cathie kept staring at me.

"What's your problem?" I asked, looking into her green eyes defiantly.

She didn't answer for a couple of seconds. "Nothing."

Then she walked in, heading toward where Jordan was introducing Amber to Johnnie. I watched her for a couple of seconds, thoroughly confused, before I shook my head, closed the door, and joined them.

"Nice to meet you, Amber," Johnnie said.

"Nice to meet you, too," Amber replied quietly, letting her hair fall across her eye.

Cathie grinned and grabbed Johnnie's hand, shaking it. Johnnie was confused at first, but he shook back after he realized that he had to be social for a bit. After that, we pretty much broke up into pairs and started getting to know each other. Kyle and Johnnie, of course, started talking, and Jordan started talking to Amber, so I approached Cathie. I noticed Jeydon slip off into the kitchen, obviously not wanting to socialize, before I started talking to her.

"So, what's your full name?" I asked.

"Catherine Rhodes. What about you?" She replied.

"Bryan O'Dell. But on YouTube I'm known as Bryan Stars," I said with a grin.

Cathie perked up. "You're a YouTuber?"

"Yeah, we're all YouTubers here. We're in My Digital Escape, a collab channel. The other two members, Alex and Shannon, are coming tomorrow. We all do different videos and stuff on our personal channels, though," I explained.

"Really? That sounds cool. What do you do?" Cathie asked curiously.

"Vlogs, some challenges, normal YouTuber stuff. And I interview bands."

Cathie stopped and stared at me, her eyes wider than saucers. "Bands? Did you just say bands?"

"Yeah. I'm guessing you like them?" I asked, chuckling.

"Like  them? They are my life!" Cathie replied, looking shocked and excited.

"Really? Do you like Pierce the Veil?" I asked.

"yES!" Cathie screeched, causing Jordan, Kyle, and Johnnie to glance over at us.

"Oh god, he must've mentioned Pierce the Veil," Amber said.

"I've interviewed them," I announced.


"Yes, I did, I talked to them and met them three times," I said, amused.

Cathie started hyperventilating and tried to talk several times but couldn't. Her legs must have gotten weak, because she began to fall, closing her eyes. Right before she hit the ground, I caught her, and she calmed down soon after. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. I felt heat rise to my cheeks, and she was blushing, too. I immediately helped her up and coughed awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" Amber asked worriedly, the first to appear at Cathie's side with Kyle, Johnnie, and Jordan behind her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Cathie replied, brushing herself off, her cheeks still pink.

Johnnie scooted over to me and nudged me. "Good work, Bryan."

"Shut the fuck up, Johnnie," I replied, digging my hands deep into my pockets.

He grinned and walked back over to Kyle, Jordan, Amber, and Cathie. I stared at myself in the mirror and waited for the red to leave my cheeks before I turned and joined them. Cathie was fine, and I decided that she must really love Pierce the Veil. She grinned at me.

"Thanks for catching me," She said.

"No problem," I replied, ignoring Johnnie smirking at me from beside Kyle and Jordan.

Everybody separated into their pairs again and began talking normally. While I was talking to Cathie, I noticed Kyle and Johnnie slip off into the hall, but I didn't think much of it and ignored them. Eventually, Jeydon emerged from the kitchen and came over to talk with Cathie and I. After a while, I went to edit my video for today and stayed like that, editing and uploading my video to the collab channel for the rest of the day. When it got dark, Jordan got up from the couch and announced that he would make dinner for all of us.

"Good luck," I told him, remembering when we had done cooking week on My Digital Escape.

We didn't do much in that period of time besides talk and go on Instagram. Eventually, Jordan called us to dinner and the four of us headed into the kitchen where there was actually decent looking spaghetti on the table. Amber grinned when she saw it, and Jordan walked over with a shy smile.

"You told me it was your favorite food, so I thought I would welcome you properly," Jordan explained.

He glanced over and both Jeydon and I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes and looked down at Amber, who thanked him kindly and gave him a hug. He looked down at her in surprise before hugging her back. Then we all sat down at the dinner table.

None of us noticed Johnnie and Kyle still hadn't returned from the hall.

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