It Feels Like Fire ~ Jordan

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Okay let's get the sappy shit out of the way

1. To whoever waited for me to pick myself back up again, thank you so so much. I'm sorry this took so long for me to make, but after a Septiplier one-shot spree I've gotten an idea and I'll start updating regularly again. I love you all and I can't put into words how guilty I feel about not updating in so long <3

2. Yeah yeah the annoying "thank you so much for ____ reads!!!1!" but thank you so much for 1.2k reads, I never thought that my stupid little fanfiction would get this far.

3. What the fuck did Wattpad do it's so hard to write now I've already messed up 1 and 2 like 20 fucking times and it took hell on earth to fix them so if some paragraphs look fucked up I'm sorry and that's why. It's like everything is falling apart, first the new Google logo, then the new Tumblr text, and now Wattpad fucking shit up again.


Okay on to the actual story (spoiler alert - which will be ending soon)~

Shannon called Amber and I in to talk and she told me everything. She told me about how she messed up and kissed Amber because it was all she wanted and Amber wasn't kissing her back, I just walked in on a bad time. I forgave both of them and even though Amber seemed reluctant and guilty after Shannon confessed, I assured her that there would be no hard feelings. Things were kind of back to normal until Bryan burst into the room.

"What's wrong? Shannon, are you o-" He stopped, Johnnie just behind him in the doorway, and stared at the three of us, confused.

Suddenly, I remembered when Amber had broke down during Shannon confession saying, "I can't lie, I can't do it" over and over again. Shannon had called Bryan, terrified, before hanging up and both of us comforting her. It had worked, but now Amber looked on the verge of tears again. I spoke up. "It's fine. It's over now."

Bryan frowned. "What's over now? Why was Shannon crying? What was wrong?"

Shannon beckoned to him and sat down, pulling Amber and I down with her. Hesitantly, Bryan and Johnnie sat down in front of us and Shannon began explaining. "I had Amber and Jordan come in here so I could help clear things up and fix things between them. Amber ended up crying after I told Jordan the truth," Shannon threw a glance at Amber that I couldn't decipher, "and I called you in a panic. She's fine now, though."

" sounded like you were the one crying," Bryan probed.

"Well, I wasn't. Fun fun fun. Now-" She stopped and sniffed the air.

I did, too, and it had a faint tint to it. It made me feel dizzy, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it except for a dry, gross faint smell. Shannon's eyes widened in terror, as did Johnnie's. Bryan, Amber, and I were still confused.

"FIRE!" Shannon and Johnnie cried out.

They ran for the door, but when they jumped back, screaming in pain after touching the doorknob. The smell was getting stronger, starting to clog my airway. I coughed, trying to clear my throat, but it just got worst and the smell strengthened. It was smoke.

"Shit! That's hot," Johnnie said, shaking his hand with a pained expression.

"Almost as hot as me?" Bryan asked with a wink.

"Now is not the time, Bryan! " Shannon snapped, grabbing her phone and running towards the only window.

She dialed 911 and was yelling into her phone for a bit before she unlocked the window and shoved it open. She peeked down and let out a sigh of relief before coughing again from the smoke.

"There's a full dumpster underneath us with a bunch of soft garbage bags to land on," She reported.

"How convenient," Bryan snorted before shutting up after a death glare from Shannon.

Shannon jumped out first. I rushed over to the window with Bryan and Johnnie, looking down in time to see her land on top of the garbage bags and trudge through the trash until she looked back up at us.

"Hurry up!" She shouted at us.

Bryan reluctantly stuck a leg out and started to prepare himself to jump out, his knuckles white from clutching the windowsill so tightly. Suddenly, the door literally burst into flames and the fire itself found its way into the room, the amount of smoke intensifying.

"Holy shit!" Bryan cried out, scared by the explosion, and his grip slipped as he fell down into the garbage. Shannon grabbed his hand and pulled him out before looking up, waiting for the next person.

I nodded at Johnnie and he nervously started to crawl out of the window while the sound of popping boards and close sirens filled the air. Johnnie fell and landed safely, but when he fell he landed dangerously close to the edge.

The momentum cause the dumpster to roll a small bit, but it was enough to force me to stay where I was. There was no way I could make it into the dumpster from here. The popping and explosions grew louder, a fire truck rounding the corner and heading toward Shannon, Bryan, and Johnnie, who were waving their arms and calling for help.

I watched a group of firemen begin to extend a hose and an extremely long ladder from the truck while three others entered the building in gas masks and suits.

As the ladder began to grow closer to the window, my heart dropped as I realized what we had forgotten. I whipped around to see Amber still sitting, completely frozen in terror. This always happened when she was scared. Fire was beginning to encircle her, and as the floor and ceiling caved around us I noticed the wood above her head was bent sharply, dangerously close to breaking.

I didn't even have a second thought. I launched myself forward and grabbed her, scooping her up into my arms. She clutched my shirt tightly as I ran away from the fire, my heart beating faster than I've ever experienced. I heard a loud popping sound behind me as the ceiling caved in and the fire continue to spread, closer and closer to us. The smoke was so bad that I couldn't even breathe.

I eventually got to the window and a fireman was there, waiting for us. He has a creepy mustache and a stern face. He held out a hand to us.

"I only have enough room to take one of you at the moment," He informed us.

Amber opened her mouth and I knew what she was going to say. I didn't want that, though. So I shoved her into the fireman's arms. She stared at me in shock as the fireman said something into an earpiece and the ladder began lowering.

"J-Jordan? No! No!" She screamed.

I watched the speed at the ladder was going down, which wasn't very fast at all. Hacking and coughing, my eyes burning, I turned around to see the flames coming closer...and closer...and closer....

They won't make it in time, I realized.

I looked back down at Amber, who was still watching me in terror. I was well aware that the likelihood of me surviving was definitely less than 10%, so I knew I had to listen to my heart before it was too late.

"Amber, I love you!" I yelled down, as loud as I could.

I turned and ran before I could see her reaction. I dodged the fire, hacking and barely able to see. My skin burned so badly from the heat, and the fire hadn't even touched me yet. I managed to get through the exploded door and out into the hallway. I heard the floors and ceilings cave in behind me as I was faced with more obstacles, more smoke, more fire.

Just two flights of stairs. Just two, and I would be with Amber and my friends. I forced myself to keep going, unable to stop coughing. I was on the last flight when the smoke was too much and I doubled over, coughing so hard that I thought my lungs would come out.

The fire encircled me and I used all my energy to look at the open window next to me. A sickening cracking sound came from above me.

I cherished the last words I heard before there was a loud popping sound and all was black.

"I love you too!"

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