The Intruders ~ Jordan

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"I-um-I-" A girl with long brown hair with natural auburn streaks mumbled awkwardly, her blue-gray eyes darting between Jeydon, Kyle, and I.

"I'm Catherine Rhodes and this is Amber Curran. My friends call me Cathie, though," The other girl said, tossing her black hair over her shoulder and acting as if she and her friend hadn't just technically broken into our hotel room.

"Why are you in our room?" Jeydon asked.

"How did you even get in here?" Kyle questioned, looking worried.

"I-I'm sorry, the woman at the front desk must've made a mistake. She gave us this key and told us it was free," The girl with the blue-gray eyes, Amber, explained.  

"Oh, in that case, I'm Jordan Sweeto, the Canadian guy is Jeydon Wale, and the guy in the beanie is Kyle David Hall," I said cheerfully.

"Jordan! We don't even know if they're telling the truth!" Jeydon protested.

"No, I can tell they're telling the truth," Kyle said.

I smirked at Jeydon, who sighed. "Fine."

The girl with the black hair and green eyes, Catherine, smiled politely at us. "Sorry for barging in and waking you up. We didn't know there was someone staying in our room."

"Your  room?" Jeydon asked, scowling and narrowing his eyes.

I exchanged a glance with Kyle, confused. Jeydon was never this hostile or aggressive. Jeydon sat up in his Spiderman hoodie. Amber bit her lip and you could tell she was trying not to laugh at Jeydon trying to look tough in a Spiderman hoodie that was far too big for him. Cathie looked straight into Jeydon's eyes defiantly, grinning when Jeydon cracked a smile.

"Dammit! I was all tough and intimidating before you messed it up!" Jeydon said.

Cathie, Amber, Kyle, and I laughed.

"So, what time is it?" Kyle asked, pulling his beanie down over his bed hair when Amber looked at him.

Cathie pulled her out her phone. "Five past midnight."

Jeydon froze. "Are-are you serious?"

"Um, yeah," Cathie replied, raising an eyebrow.

"But-no-it can't..." Jeydon turned to Kyle and I with wide, panicked eyes. "Where's Samm? It's been two hours!"

Kyle and I exchanged a glance, shocked. Jeydon stumbled out of bed and grabbed his phone off the bedside table and soon afterward put the phone to his ear. Everybody watched in silence as Jeydon kept on calling for at least ten minutes. Nobody picked up, and he gave up after the eleventh call. He stared at his feet, thinking hard.

"Um, if-if you don't mind me asking, who is Samm?" Amber asked.

I decided to explain after Jeydon's eyes narrowed and his fists clenched. "She's Jeydon's girlfriend. She went to go get coffee two hours ago and she hasn't come back."

"This is exactly why we came to this hotel! This is exactly what Samm was worried about! She was right all along and now she's been kidnapped or some shit by somebody!" Jeydon yelled.

Kyle immediately went over to Jeydon and tried to calm him down. Cathie grabbed Amber's arm and pulled her over to me.

"You two, talk. I want to go and see what's going on," Cathie demanded before she whipped around and marched toward Kyle and Jeydon.

Amber blushed slightly and glanced up at me and I smiled back down at her. Judging from her awkward stance and her blushing very often and not talking a lot, I guessed she was the awkward, shy type that rarely speaks.

"So, how did you end up at the hotel on such short notice?" I asked politely, starting conversation.

"Cathie and I were going to Ocean City but it was too backed up so we had to stay at a hotel, and since we usually stick to Hilton and Hampton... y'know..." Amber trailed off, glancing at Jeydon as he started to sit down, more scared and sad than angry now that he had been talking with Kyle and Cathie.

I nodded and watched as Kyle patted Jeydon's back, talking softly and comforting him. Kyle's phone buzzed and showed Johnnie was calling him. Kyle looked at the name and blushed. Jeydon glanced at the name and when Kyle looked at him, Jeydon nodded in approval. Kyle walked over and answered, walking into the other room and talking quietly. Cathie awkwardly stood beside Jeydon before she sat down next to him and started comforting him.

I turned to Amber again. "So, how was your day?"


We had all fallen asleep eventually, even though Jeydon didn't want to in case Samm called back. However, he got too tired and collapsed onto his bed sometime around two. I woke up to the sound of crashing and smashing. I forced my drowsiness to fade while I glanced around the room to find Jeydon angrily throwing the ice from the fridge around, smashing into little icy shards and hitting cups and lamps.

Everyone else was awake and staring at Jeydon in horror and confusion before I got up, ran over, grabbed his arm, and pulled him back. "Jeydon! Stop! What are you doing?"


Kyle gasped. "Samm wouldn't do that!"

"Well, she fucking did!" Jeydon retorted before flopping back onto the bed and sobbing.

I silently started to clean up the ice and Amber came to help me soon after. Kyle rubbed Jeydon's back, murmuring comforting words while Cathie stared at the wall in shock, probably surprised someone could do that in one night. As I cleaned up the ice with Amber, I wondered how Samm could do that. Her and Jeydon had literally been relationship goals ever since they'd gotten together, and in one night she falls in love with some random guy and decides he's better than Jeydon. Honestly, I couldn't believe it.

After a few hours of cleaning up ice and trying to comfort Jeydon, we decided we had to head home. Amber called and canceled a hotel reservation at Ocean City because their car had been towed away, since they had parked in an illegal spot, thinking there would be no rooms available.

We all got our luggage and packed into the car, me driving with Kyle sitting next to me and Amber, Cathie, and Jeydon packed into the back. We were heading for Johnnie and Bryan's place. I grimaced as Jeydon stared at his tattoo, obviously fighting to remember good times and not think about Samm. This would be a long drive.

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