Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum. ヾ( ' - ')

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that moment when Sexting comes on.

My mom appeared. ^^ My face when I saw her.

I had totally forgotten about her.


And she was pissed.

"How'd you find me?'

"I tracked your phone."


I was akwardly holding the door open, but not wide enough for her to see inside.

So she wouldn't see the boys, to clarify.

Andrea came up behind me.

"Oh hey Ms. Hernandez." She smiled.

My mom gave her the the-fuck-is-this-bitch look.

Andrea retreated back slowly.




Then she ran.

Tripping over Jaime.

Ha. Hahahahahahahahahhahah. Hahahahahah.

I looked back over at my mom biting on my bottom lip.

"Look mom.... Right now is not the best time...." I told her.

Vic walked out of the bathroom, only in a towel.

I blushed like crazy.

"Uhm really not a good time."

My mom looked at me with the bitch please face and threw the door open.


Jaime rolled over, from the ground and looked at her.

"The fuck is you?"

"That's my daughter!!" She yelled. "And I am her legal guardian until she turns of age. She is a minor! You can't just hold her hostage, because you fucking feel like it! If I didn't know better I would've thought you kidnapped her! But nooooooooooo.... I know who you are. Your that Mexican group she's obsessed with. So, I suggest you let her go or I'll cut of your dicks and shove them down your throats, then i will cut of your heads and bury your dead bodies in my neighbors backyard!" She finished off her little rant, breathing heavily.

The boys looked at me in fear.

Then Jaime snickered.

"So that's where she gets it from." He said.

I shook my head.

Of course Jaime would say that.

He doesn't realize how much trouble we're actually in.


I looked over at my mom.

"Uhm I'm not being held against my will. . ."

But did she listen? No.

This just got her pissed off, even more.

"Quires que saque la chancla?" She asked me. (Want me to pull out my sandal? You'll get it if you come from a Mexican/Hispanic household.)

I bit on my bottom lip trying not to laugh.

"NO LA CHANCLA NO!!' Jaime yelled. (No not the sandal!)

That's where I lost it.

My mom gave me the I'm-not-impressed-about-this-shit type of look.

I shrugged.

"You." She snapped, pointing at Mike & Tony who were playing COD, Jaime who was on the ground drinking some juice and Vic who was desperately trying to escape so he could put some clothes on.

Then she pointed at me, and I gave her the what-the-actual-fudge-are-you-fucking-doing? look.

She gave me the I-am-not-impressed-with-this-Jenny. face.

I gave her the why-won't-you-let-me-live-my-own-fucking-life? look.

She replied with the you're-still-a-goddamn-minor-for-fucks-sake! look.

I rolled my eyes and looked over at the guys, and Andrea.

They all had that what-the-fûck-is-going-on? look.

I showed them my just-hold-the-fuck-up look.

Then I turned back to my mom.

We continued having our slightly weird, mostly silent converstaion, until she let out and exasperated sigh.

"Your coming back home." She said. She gave me that look.

You know that one look your parents give you where you know they're planning you're murder?

Yea, she gave me that look.

I gave her my nope-I'm-staying-here look and sat down on the ground, pouting.

She walked over to me, grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the apartment.

I don't want to leave.

I can't leave them.

I can't leave Jaime.

I can't leave Mike.

I can't leave Tony.

I can't leave Andrea.

And I seriously can't leave without saying goodbye to Vic.

I stopped in my tracks, which caused for my dear old mother to stop to.

She stared at me.

I breathed in deeply before talking, "Can I at least say goodbye?" I choked out.

She sighed deeply, and she pulled out her phone.

"You have 5 minutes."

I ran back to the apartment and rushed in.

I hugged Jaime.

I hugged Mike.

I hugged Tony.

I hugged Andrea.

And finally I turned to Vic.

I rushed into his arms, and held him there tight.

"Don't go please." He murmured.

"I'm not." I whispered.

He pulled back and gave me a confused expression.

Actually, they all did.

"I have a plan." I informed them.

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