Damn You Blink-182 ( ゜ρ゜)ノ

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Another Chapter Cuz You Are All Lovely Little Shits x'D

I miss Vic.

I miss Tony.

I miss Mike.

I even miss Jaime!


My friends noticed something was wrong with me.

And they annoyed the shit out of me, trying to figure it out.

We were currently in lunch and I was mopping around.

It's been a week.

*cries even more.*

"DUUUDDDEE...." Andrea yells in my ear.

I jump and fall off the table.

I get up and scowl.

I don't reply and I just sit back down.

"JENNNY!" They all yell at me.

I look up.

Andrea, Adrianna, Monica, Mellina, Jaqui, Kassy, & Darwin are all staring at me.


"We need to go!"


"To the assembly."

"Fuck the assembly." I groaned.

"Cmon! Let's go! I wanna see what band it is that's coming this year!" Andrea yelled.

I was usually happy about this.

Each school year, our school district brought different bands to perform at our schools and talk to us about bullying and such.

I wasn't happy about it this year.


Because I miss my fucking Sexicans!

That's why.

So we made our way to the gym and and sat down on the bleachers. Then our principle came out, gave a speech and my mouth popped open when I saw who it was.







The principal gave  the microphone to Vic and he started talking but I wasn't listening.

Not until I heard my name.

"Jennifer Hernandez. Please come down to get your award."

Holy shit.


"Andrea Rodriguez, please come down to get your award."

I looked over to my best friend and I couldn't help but giggle.

Andreas face was red.

She was Fangirdling so hard omg.

It was hardcore fangirdling.

We went down and I swear Vic's eyes widened when he saw me.

I tried to act indifferent.

But fucking Jaime had to ruin it.

"Vic, it's Jenny!"

Vic shushed him and gave me my certificate thingy.

"I'll see you later," he whispered in my ear and I shivered.

The show was great. I got to see my favorite band for free.

What more can I ask for?

*cough, cough* please don't kidnap me again.

After the assembly was over I walked slowly out of the school. Ditching my last period.

I was halfway to the park when I felt a presence.

I turned around and Vic was there walking towards me.

He rushed over to me and hugged me.

I hugged him back.

I actually felt safe in his arms.

And it helped that we were the same height.


(A/N seriously. I'm the same height as Vic :3)

We walked around for a bit until we got to the park.

I was standing on a table, dancing around to Kellin's Voice in 'Low.' When I felt someone press a cloth to my nose.

I tried not to breathe in but unfortunately I had to breathe in or else I would've have died.

God, I hate being a human sometimes.

As I breathed in, my eyelids started to get heavy and I fell unconscious.


When I woke up, I was tied to a chair.


Not again.

Jamie's face appeared in front of me and he smiled.

"It's good to have you back kiddo."

"Fuck off." I muttered.

Ugh, they kidnapped me again.

This time I will kill them.

I'm not kidding.

Ok maybe I am...

But only a little.

I might just kill Jaime though.

I don't know.

Vic walked into the room all thug and shit.

He told Jaime to leave the room and he did.

Now it was only me and Vic.


In the same room.

While I was tied to a chair.

"God, this is so kinky." I blurted out.

I felt my cheeks heat up, especially when Vic's smile got even wider.

He walked over to me and before I could ask anything he pressed his lips against mine.

"I missed you."

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